Maybe I’m alone here, but both times I was pregnant, my biggest fear was having a C-Section.
I read every single book I could get my hands on about what my labor might look like, from forming a birth plan to envisioning how I would manage my own pain, but in the back of my mind, I knew I would do everything I could to NOT have a c-section, and do it all as naturally as possible.
I also read even more breastfeeding books because I was worried that my babies wouldn’t latch on properly and that I would have a hard time breastfeeding. (That actually happened with both my children.)
When Things Don't Go As Planned
I didn’t plan to do a c-section with either of my babies, but as you fellow mamas out there know, there isn’t a lot you can do or control if an emergency comes up.
My second baby’s hand was firmly planted ontop of her head, and I was about 7-8 cm and ready to push her out. After about 10 minutes of my doctor trying to remove my baby’s hand from her head (I wasn’t on pain meds yet), Doc said we had 15 minutes to get into the OR and get baby girl out via emergency c-section before either of us had nerve damage.
It’s hard to look down at the huge incision that was made to birth your baby, and know that it’s a permanent battle scar. Take heart mama, you are not alone. Treat it like a trophy, and embrace it!
From A Mom Who's Been There
Had I read up on what to expect when having a c-section, I might have been more prepared. HOWEVER, I did not, since it was an emergency procedure, and a c-section was my last concern. In case you are in my boat, and prefer to hear the facts from a mom who’s been there, here’s the top five things you need to know about c-sections.
- You have to be vocal with your doctor. Having a sheet completely block the vision of my body from the neck down made me super anxious. I wanted to make sure that the epidural worked, since I hadn’t planned on getting one, and that they weren’t chopping my legs off or anything crazy like that. When they ask if you are feeling neasous and need Zofran, TAKE IT.
- After the baby comes out, he/she doesn’t cry right away. It’s totally normal, so don’t freak out. There will be a ton of what feels like punching going on before the baby comes out, and after the baby comes out. It’s a terrible, terrible feeling, but it’s normal. They have to retrieve the placenta, help your uterus shrink back down a bit, and also sew you up.
- The first time you get up is the worst feeling ever in your life. At some point, they remove the catheter and you have to use the bathroom by yourself. Ask for help. It hurts. It’s ok to cry, because you feel like the top half of your body is going one way, and the bottom half is going the other. After the first time you get up, it gets better! You can always ask for a belly support for when you get up, and extra pillows for when you are in bed to make it a bit more comfortable.
- Listen to the doctor about your recovery process. When they tell you not to pick up your toddler or newborn baby by yourself, don’t do it. When they tell you not to walk up stairs for the first few weeks, don’t do it. When they tell you that it might hurt to laugh or cough (it does), try not to do either! It’s hard, but if you abide by all the rules, your recovery will come a lot quicker.
- You c-section scar will flatten, become less red, and completely heal. It might be numb for quite some time as well, but it’s not uncomfortable at all. It’s hard to look down at the huge incision that was made to birth your baby, and know that it’s a permanent battle scar. Take heart mama, you are not alone. Treat it like a trophy, and embrace it!
Any other c-section mamas out there? What advice would you give?
Contributing Sister Site and Author

About {Jenna}
Jenna is the owner and founder of the San Diego Moms Blog. As a San Diego native, she met and quickly married her husband (also a native) in her hometown in 2007. He deployed shortly after, and when he returned, they welcomed their daughter Hayley in 2009. The family grew once again with Savannah being born in 2011. As a fire wife, homeschooling mom, and all around CEO of the house, Jenna likes to take some time to herself and teach fitness classes. As her main passion for over 3 years, Insanity and Zumba top the list as her favorites.