60 Summer Bucket List Ideas for Families


Summer is just around the corner, and for moms everywhere, it’s not just a season – it’s an adventure waiting to happen!

As the days get longer and the temperatures rise, it’s time to start planning. Whether you’re looking for simple outdoor adventures to add to your list or simple ways to unwind and enjoy the season, here are 60 summer bucket list ideas to get you started on your own list!

Want a fun way to track your summer plans? Check out our NEW customizable Summer Bucket List printable HERE

  1. Go on a Bike Ride
  2. Ride a Horse
  3. Take a nap outside
  4. Water Balloons
  5. Tie Dye Shirts
  6. Go to the Arcade
  7. Go Swimming
  8. Go to the Zoo
  9. Plant Flowers
  10. Make S’Mores
  11. Go Bowling
  12. Make Popsicles
  13. Read a Summer Book
  14. Watch a Summer Movie
  15. Volunteer
  16. Family Game Night
  17. Scrapbook Your Summer
  18. Bring a Treat to Someone
  19. Lemonade Stand
  20. Scavenger Hunt Outside
  21. Play in the Rain
  22. Fly a Kite
  23. Jump in Muddy Puddles
  24. Ice Cream For Dinner
  25. Museum
  26. Science Center
  27. Read a Book Series
  28. Baseball Game
  29. Plant a Tree
  30. Hummingbird Feeder
  31. Stat Fair
  32. Strawberry Picking
  33. Camping in Backyard
  34. Splash Pad
  35. Local Library Hop
  36. Picnic at the Park
  37. Family Art
  38. Outdoor Movie Night
  39. Visit State Park
  40. Water an 80s Movie
  41. Family Talent Show
  42. Dance Party
  43. Chalk the Walk
  44. Kids Make Dinner
  45. Build a Bird Feeder
  46. Listen to a Podcast
  47. Audiobook
  48. Learn an Instrument
  49. Video Research Project
  50. Eat BBQ
  51. Visit a Beach or Lake
  52. Canoeing
  53. Horseback Riding
  54. Bonfire
  55. Visit a Waterfall
  56. Paint Rocks
  57. Playdate
  58. See a Concert
  59. Learn a New Language
  60. Host a Parade

Whether you tackle one item or conquer them all, this summer promises to be a season of great joy and wonderful memories.

Happy Summer!