I love to read! One of my goals as a mom is to raise readers. The best way to do that is to read to my kids.
I love it when I catch my 4-year-old playing library with his younger brother. Often I will hear him “reading” a favorite story word-for-word. They are little sponges!
We are regulars at our local library. There’s nothing I love more than bringing home a stack of books—and the quiet that follows as the kids flip through the new-to-them books.
Curious George and Dr. Seuss are classics, but if you’ve reached your limit of reading about “a good little monkey who is always very curious” or if you can’t bear to find out of Sam is going to try green eggs and ham, check out some of our favorite toddler books.
Here are 7 books for kids that we read again and again and again...
The Snail and the Whale
This rhyming book tells the story of a snail who journeys around the world on the tail of a humpback whale. It’s charming and silly and witty.
The Circus Ship
My favorite part about this book is the pictures. A ship of circus animals is shipwrecked and find their way to an island where they hide among the townspeople. My kids love to find the animals hidden in the pages.
Iggy Peck Architect
This is a clever story of a young boy who loves to build, even when it gets him into trouble. I laughed out loud the first time I read it, which is always a good sign!
Steam Train, Dream Train
A favorite bedtime book, this story lulls listeners to sleep as each train car is loaded for the night. Its companion, Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site is perfect for truck lovers.
This is the first kids book I memorized—a rite of passage for every parent! Both of my boys love trucks, and this book is in constant rotation. They love picking their favorite machine and making all the sounds.
A silly story about dragons who eat spicy tacos that make them breathe fire. You’ll be craving tacos by the time you finish reading!
Little Humans
If you’re familiar with Humans of New York, this is the kid version. Each page has a picture of a kid in New York City, and the story is a sweet reminder that little people can do big things.

What are some of your favorite books to read your kids? You know what they say, readers are leaders!
Contributing Sister Site and Author

About {Andrea}
Andrea is a Jesus-following, coffee-drinking, book-loving mom to 3 amazing kids and wife to an incredibly patient and supportive husband. She is a work at home mom who spends her days reading books about trucks and trains and building forts out of couch cushions with 4-year-old Emerson and 2-year-old Foster while shielding baby sister Harlow from flying toys. You can find her in coffee shops around Des Moines drinking lattes and typing away on her laptop.
Andrea is an owner at Des Moines Moms Blog, one of our Sister Sites.