With the Holidays upon us, it is very easy as a mom to get wrapped up in gift lists, decorating and all the things, while truly forgetting the reason for the season.
At City Moms Blog Network, we want to make this holiday season just a bit easier with our Mom’s Guide To The Holidays, so you can focus on what’s truly important. Along with our Sister Sites, we have compiled a guide full of all things Holiday related, from mouth-watering recipes, to DIY and craft projects perfect for the kids, as well as traditions to start with your own family.

Cinnamon Raisin Bread
My boys are of the age where they are interested in helping me in the kitchen. They are also of the age where they will snack me out of house and home if I’m not careful. One of their favorite snacks is cinnamon raisin bread.
Beyond The Cookie
This year, why not go beyond the cookie? Here are four creative sweets that are easy to adapt to Christmas, Chanukah, or winter celebrations.

Recipes From My Kitchen
Share with us some of your favorite food-related holiday traditions. What is a special memory you have around the table?

Christmas Breakfast
What are your favorite Christmas Breakfast recipes?

Chocolate Peppermint Crunch Clusters
I adore this recipe for so many reasons. It’s fantastic because my kiddos can nearly do it on their own, and it’s basically just dumping and stirring. I am addicted to the pepperminty, decadent crunch of it, too. They couldn’t be more quick to whip up. And they gift beautifully wrapped in cellophane and tied with some twine.
The Best Sugar Cookie
These cookies have changed my view of sweets. After discovering this treasure, I’ve decided that this is a recipe every mom should have in her collection, no questions asked.

The Perfect Holiday Sangria
No, I’m not the age-old eggnog, or the same glass of red wine many of us relax with after wrestling the little ones to bed– I’m talking about SANGRIA!
4 Easy Holiday Recipes
So, here are four of my favorite, tried-and-true holiday recipes. Bon Appetite!

DIY Spouse Gift
I whipped up this little homemade gift and it has been his favorite gift so far!

Decorating With Your Spouse
I have slowly let go of control and now look forward to the ideas my boys come up with for all the “grown-up” decorations. I’ve learned that just because it is not perfect does not mean that it is not wonderful.

The Perfect Christmas Photo
This year, there is no need to stress! I have a few tips for getting the perfect Christmas card photos.
Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt
This tradition of driving around to see Christmas lights is one I have continued with my children and husband.
Tips for Christmas Card Photos
Are you keeping the Christmas card tradition alive and sending cards this year? Did you do a photo card? When do you mail them?

Holiday Crafts For Kids
Want a simple inexpensive craft project for your older kids to do while you and dad are trying to wrestle the lights on the tree?
Easy Homemade Gifts for Grands
Turns out, there are all kinds of fun canvas art projects you can make relatively easily with your kids, and they make fantastic gifts for grandma and grandpa!

DIY Christmas Ornament
A keepsake ornament of your holiday cards to last years on your tree.
Things To Do With Holiday Cards
What do you do with all those precious “old” holiday photo greeting cards? I am here to help. Grab some tape, scissors, ribbon, and a glue gun and get in touch with your crafty side.

Holiday Gifts For Teachers
If you’ve ever wondered what to get your child’s teacher, read on to see what teachers told us and our gift ideas for them!

Sanity Saver’s Holiday Check-List
I’ve come up with a checklist of some things to do now to avoid holiday meltdowns (by you!) later on.
Christmas Candy Wreath
I got the supplies and tried my hand at a craft I did decades ago. Turns out it’s easy, fast (only takes about an hour to make an 8″ wreath), and just as much fun as I remembered.
Lazy Girl’s Christmas Card Display
So now that you have your Christmas cards displayed and have basically conquered the world, go grab a cup of hot cocoa and snuggle up next to the fire. You’ve got this lazy girl’s seal of approval.

The Great Debate: When To Decorate?
Which side are you on?
Gifts That Keep On Giving
Be thoughtful about the gifts you buy and intentional about the gifts you can’t, because our kids need to know that the kind of generosity that changes the world costs way more than money.
How to Get the Perfect Picture with Santa
Do you have any tips to add on getting that perfect Santa picture?

Ideas For Saving Holiday Cards
Here are some great and creative ideas for saving your holiday cards each year in ways that you will enjoy for years to come!

Pottery Barn Knock-Off Advent Calendar
The great thing about this is that it’s just a cute (much cuter, in my opinion) than the Pottery Barn version for a fraction of the price!!

Ideas For Saving Holiday Cards
Here are some great and creative ideas for saving your holiday cards each year in ways that you will enjoy for years to come!

A Handmade Christmas
This mentality can be (should be?) taken in every aspect of our lives, all year round, yet the problems become so much more evident around Christmas.

Family Holiday Calendar
What activities would you add to our list? What are some ways your family enjoys the holiday season together?

Baby’s First Christmas Crafts
Enjoy the magic of baby’s first Christmas!

Get Rid of Traditional Wrapping
Gift wrapping for the holidays does not have to be boring, daunting nor does it have to be expensive. Busy moms like us need simple, fast but with a touch of personality and swagger!
3 Tips for DIY Christmas Cards
Well there ya go! 3 simple ideas to make super cute handmade holiday cards! Have you made/done your cards yet this year?

7 Christmas Traditions
No matter how many traditions you choose to do, enjoy the holiday season and help make memories with your children that they may one day pass on to their kids!

Christmas Countdowns For The Whole Family
So whether you spend all of December counting down to the 25th, or just the last few days, consider adding a little extra spirit to the holiday season with a Christmas countdown.
Elf On The Shelf: Operation Nice
There will be some usual naughty elf shenanigans, but for the most part we’re going to focus on random acts of kindness that I can get the kids involved in.

Spouse Traditions
Here are a few ways you can celebrate the holidays with your spouse that can really help you take the holiday to the next level no matter what the budget or stage of life you’re in right now:
The Last “Magical” Christmas
My heart will be filled with love as it always is this time of year. But, this might be my last “magical” Christmas and that heart…as full as it is…is going to break just a little bit knowing that.
Advent Calendar of Traditions
In this season of waiting and preparing, may you appreciate the season’s simple pleasures and meaningful traditions. May your hearts be full of wonder and your homes be full of peace.

Books Of Christmas Traditions
It’s a great tradition for the little book lover in your family without breaking the bank!
12 Days Of Christmas
So if you feel that post-Christmas Day let-down, why not reclaim the 12 Days of Christmas in your house?
Christmas Without Santa
We will read the nativity story from the Bible each year, we will build Gingerbread houses and sing Christmas carols, we will decorate our tree, and our children will make Christmas lists for the presents they hope to find under the tree on Christmas morning. Our Christmases will be very merry and bright, even without a visit from Santa.

10 Tips For Holiday Travel With Kids
Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house we go!
Keeping Fit During The Holidays
Here are a few of this Registered Dietitian’s quick tips to help keep nutrition and exercise in mind during the holiday season.
Gearing Up For Holiday Expenses
Even in our extremely consumer-based society, we are jumping on the bandwagon that seems to be gaining momentum, and while the kids are young, starting the “tradition” of a more “traditional” holiday season.

A Mom’s Night Before Christmas
So it won’t be perfect, And go crazy, I might! Now, Merry Christmas, mommas! And to all a good night!
Non-Traditional Christmas Traditions
Traditions give kids a sense of belonging and strengthens the family bond. They are a great way to connect generations, create lasting memories and give kids something to look forward to.
Out Of The Box Toy Gift Ideas
That’s why this year we are 1. getting rid of lots of toys and 2. going as minimal as possible this Christmas.

Unlikely Holiday Tradition
What holiday traditions – new or old, far or near – would you like to pass down to your kid(s)?
Tips for Keeping the Holidays Simple
Whatever you are celebrating this season, make it simple. Tell the stories that make your family unique, with decorations and with words.
The Rule of 4
By providing categories for gifts while limiting the over all number given, we are able to control holiday spending, reduce the amount of unused clutter, and still have four very happy kids on Christmas morning.

Merry Christmakkah!
How do you blend holiday traditions with your kids?
Family Traditions
What traditions does your family already have to make Christmas special? What new ones will you add this year?
Who’s Tradition Wins?
There is no dilemma if I remember that above all else, she loves us. And that we love her too.

Top Holiday “Snuggle Time” Books
But amongst the snow-flocked, glitter glued, peppermint scented chaos, there are those precious moments steeped in the pure and simple magic that truly defines what this season is all about.
Christmas Through Their Eyes
May the magic of the season fill your hearts and homes this season. Cheers!
Christmas Tree Styles and Traditions
Whatever the reasoning for your Christmas tree decor it’s incredibly special because it’s yours!

Managing Difficult Family Dynamics
The holiday season is upon us! And as we plan to gather ’round the table with families big and small, many (or most?) of us can anticipate at least a few stressful or challenging moments with our loved ones.

Holidays + Family Drama
How do YOU keep everyone happy at the holidays??

Birthday Tree For Christmas Birthdays
I’m excited to see our traditions grow as we celebrate our special girl during the most wonderful time of the year! Does anyone else have some Christmas Birthday traditions to add to our list?

Good Reads For Christmas
Christmas is a great season for reading – there are a wealth of good books available!
Fun Christmas Traditions
What Christmas traditions does your family have?
Tamales, Traditions and the Importance of the Table
Making tamales at my grandma’s house is a yearly Christmas tradition that brings my large and multi-generational family together around a common goal, making and eating large quantities of tamales.

Latke Recipe for the Holidays
There you have it. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanza, or Festivus I hope you might find time to incorporate the latke lifestyle into your holiday traditions this year.

Interfaith Marriage
Today, interfaith marriage is prevalent around the world. You can’t help who you fall in love with, right?

Understanding Hanukkah
What are your favorite traditions? Do they bear any similarity? Do you have a suggestion for a great charity for Hanukkah giving?

A Lonely Jew On Christmas
Because we were members of a synagogue my entire childhood, we had an incredible Jewish community—a Tribe, if you will—with whom we celebrated Hanukkah and the other religious holidays.

The Other Holiday In December
Do you celebrate holidays other than Christmas?

Ring In The New Year As A Family
Planning on ringing in the new year at home with the kids? Me too. You’re never too young to enjoy a good party!

Make New Year’s Eve Matter
I don’t know about your life, but in my own, I find that in the myriad of transitions I make each moment, I rarely stop to reflect. I long to take time to ask questions that matter: What did I learn? Where was I challenged? What would I like to remember?
Necessities For A New Year
What are some of your necessities that keep you sane or have you excited for the year ahead?ould I like to remember?

New Year’s Resolutions: No More Yelling!
No matter how this year plays out, I believe that this resolution will teach me to control my emotions and think before I act, and those are two lessons that I desperately hope my children DO remember.
No Rules Or Expectations
You may find that you are happier just the way you are.
Tips for Making Successful Resolutions
Look forward, but don’t forget to look back. Plan for what might be, but also appreciate what was. Resolve, but don’t neglect to remember.