Elizabeth Baker
How Moms and Kids Can Celebrate Black History Month
February is Black History Month. We will see the evidence everywhere: passionate social media posts, worksheets in our kids' backpacks, and branded merchandise from...
The Wellness Industry is Playing a Game We Can’t Win
Many of us associate the new year with a tangible opportunity for a fresh start and a chance to focus on wellness. New Year,...
Top 5 Reasons Kids Love Football
Moms, we are so lucky to be raising our kids in a time of endless opportunities. No matter your child's interest, there's an activity...
Football is for Everyone
Football season is here, and no sport or activity has the ability to bring together people of all ages, genders and physical abilities quite...
Suicide Awareness: Know the Risks and Ways to Reach Out for Help
It's hard to be human, isn't it? The pressures of modern life affect everyone to different degrees, and most people are at least aware...
Ultimate Back To School Guide: Clothes
There's something about these magical few months of sunshine and family fun that makes kids grow like weeds during summer break. Therefore, for most...
Ultimate Back to School Guide: Activities
Summer is winding down, and families are about to enter Back to School season full force! And while kids may lament the end of...
Expert Tips on Preventing Hot Car Tragedies
The summer months are full of on-the-go fun activities, and families spend a lot of time together in the car. It is vitally important...
Happy Cows Make Better Milkshakes + Best Vanilla Milkshake Recipe
Summer is all about making memories with our families. When I think about my own childhood summers, I remember hours and hours at the...
Protecting the Mental Health of Kids in Competitive Sports
The devastating headlines keep coming. Elite collegiate athletes are dying by suicide at alarming rates. Famliy and friends of these athletes site the enormous...