Emily Harrison

Emily Harrison
Recently relocated from Fort Worth, Texas to Charlotte, North Carolina, Emily is a former educator turned marketing content writer and strategist who loves writing about motherhood and all its glorious realities. Along with a passion for writing and sharing the highs, lows, and in-between of daily life with a husband and three boys, Emily believes strongly in contributing to a community where moms feel understood, seen, and appreciated. When she's not working or writing, Emily enjoys running, baking, and finding moments of inspiration and peace amidst the hustle and bustle.

Sustainable Fashion Tips: Options for Reducing Your Fashion Footprint From Someone Who Loves New...

I’ve had a love affair with clothes for as long as I can remember. From changing my clothes to match my bike as a...
lonely mom

Making Friends is Hard But I’m Not Giving Up

I am not good at making new friends. I’m pretty good at being a friend. The friends I do have, I keep. But putting myself...
kids dog

What to Do When Your Kids Want a Pet . . . and You...

Many kids love animals, and it feels as if all of them go through different stages of wanting pets of various types. For children,...