I don’t understand the overuse of the hashtag #boymom.(There are 2, 020, 505 posts that pop up on Instagram if you search it.) That doesn’t even include all of the variations that exist: #momofboys #boymom <3 #proudmomsofboys … I could go on.
I am a mom of two girls, but I don’t think that has anything to do with it. In fact, I think it contributes to the reason why I don’t get it. Every time I see someone post on Facebook, followed by #boymom, it pretty universally describes my kids too.
Post #1

“Spent another day at the park catching lizards. #boymom”
(Finally bought her a pet lizard for her birthday so she would stop bringing them home from the park.)
Post #2

“I don’t know why I even bother to try to keep him clean, he always finds the muddiest place to play. #boymom”
(Muddy face = Great time.)
Post #3

“Another birthday is in the books. He is in a heaven made of trains and tools. #boymom”
(She took her tools with her everywhere as a toddler and still loves a good wood, hammer and nails project today.)
I can’t help but wonder what people would say if it was so overused the other way. You don’t see #girlmom nearly as much although I don’t get that one either (only 462,022 posts on Instagram). But, if I were posting “She certainly loves her accessories. #girlmom”, every day, people would get riled up that I was stereotyping my girls to not be allowed to be anything but girly.
The fact of the matter is – they are simply kids. KIDS do all of these things. KIDS (and many adults) think farting is funny. KIDS get muddy and messy. KIDS enjoy dressing up. KIDS climb. KIDS build. I could go on and on.
Perhaps #boymom is innocent enough… or perhaps it is just another way we inadvertently perpetuate gender stereotypes in a day and age where we claim to want to break them down.
Personally, I wish people would stop with the #boymom labeling. I am team #mom.
Contributing Sister Site and Author

About {Sarah}
I am Cincinnati born and raised and after briefly moving to Boston for college, I am thrilled to be back and raising my kids in the city that has always been my home. I am Mom to two beautiful, sassy, extroverted (didn’t get that from me) little girls; Nora (7) & Meredith (5). It was only after becoming a mother that I really started to appreciate how lucky I am to live in Cincinnati, surrounded by amazing green space, culture, history, sports and the arts. We have access to just about everything a family could want. I love using all aspects of Cincinnati as a playground for my kids and myself. I also love photography, sea turtles and my job as a child life specialist. I am thrilled to be a part of bringing the Cincinnati Moms Blog resource to amazing moms in an amazing city.