No More Hand-Me-Downs With The Britax B-Ready Stroller
Features Of The Britax B-Ready Stroller
The locking system is the best I’ve seen.

Super easy to put together.
So easy my 4-year old son did most of it for me. I read the instructions, told him which pieces to grab, and he pretty much built it. He loves that he had a part in putting it together for his baby sister, and I love that now he knows how to put the seat in and fold it up for me so he can be mommy’s helper on our errand-running days.

The seat adjuster is easy to find.
In fact, it’s right there at the top, with Britax written on it. All you need to do is lift up the flap and you can adjust the seat to one of the four preset positions. With previous strollers we’ve used, the lever is either hidden or it requires two hands to adjust the seat…not at all easy with a baby in your arm and a diaper bag about to fall off your shoulder. With the B-Ready stroller, you know exactly where everything is, and it’s all readily accessible and easy to use.

The storage basket can carry all of that, and a bag of chips.
Who else loves to use their stroller as a grocery basket, while baby sleeps, or while your toddler has a little snack? The B-Ready basket has more than enough room to hold your diaper bag, snacks for the toddler, and items for a small grocery run.

The canopy actually protects your little one.

A variety of extras are readily available to add to your stroller.

I need this!
Thanks for the opportunity, I’ve been waiting for this stroller to come out and it was great to read your review!
This is awesome and I never thought I’d need this ESP after just turning 44,but God blessed me with a new baby for my bday and I have a just turned 3yr old. Help!! I can really use this stroller!!!
I really really wants this wish me luck thanks for hosting