“We celebrate Veteran’s Day,” I said, “because that was a very hard, very dangerous job,” I said. “Many young men lost their lives on that river. Your presenter was probably thinking about them, talking to you,” I said. His eyes were round, and he fidgeted.
Do you feel like you're constantly buying clothes for your family, but rarely yourself? I was never a total fashionista before I became a mom, but I used to care about what I wore. So here are some clothing hacks for both mom and kids to help maximize what little time and money we do still have to devote to our wardrobes.
The truth is that once you lose a baby, you are not the same. Each of your children, whether they make it to babyhood, childhood or adulthood, changes you. And while you have been rocked, changed, rearranged and never to be the same again, by their loss, something you never wanted, the change that happens in you doesn’t have to be a bad thing.
Third child gets all the hand-me-downs, right? Baby girl's crib currently has all the teeth marks from when her brother used it. Her future big-girl car-seat currently has a Mickey Mouse pin lodged into the cup holder and will not budge.
I was recently introduced to the Britax Advocate ClickTight car seat and their new Anti-Rebound Bar. It's the easiest car seat you will ever install.
Because it's not just sunscreen. It's car seats and plastic dishes and juice boxes... It's the hundreds of choices we have to make for our kids that keep us up at night, hoping and worrying that we made the right decision; if we provided our children with the absolute best. While I appreciate having a wealth of knowledge at my fingertips, it can also be overwhelming.
Having a child with food allergies sucks. Play dates, cafeterias, school parties, birthday parties, Halloween, and bakeries used to be the best. And now they are just, well, hard. And don't even get me started on some of the unkind words or ignorance out there. But there are some things that are awesome about being a food allergy family.
As last years’ school year was ending, all three of my children proclaimed that they would NOT be buying hot lunch the following year. Each wanted to bring lunch from home for the whole year. Yikes.
Disclosure :: City Moms Blog Network received compensation in exchange for this promotion, however all opinions shared are entirely our own.
City Moms Blog Network and Saint Bernard...
Disclosure :: City Moms Blog Network received compensation in exchange for this promotion, however all opinions shared are entirely our own.
City Moms Blog Network and Saint Bernard...