Our City Moms Blog Network team was at the ABC Kids Expo in Las Vegas last week to bring you the latest and greatest in baby gear, toddler gadgets and kid's toys!
Our City Moms Blog Network team is at the ABC Kids Expo in Las Vegas this week to bring you the latest and greatest in baby gear, toddler gadgets and kids toys!
Our City Moms Blog Network team is at the ABC Kids Expo in Las Vegas the week to bring you the latest and greatest in baby gear, toddler gadgets and kids toys! Be sure to follow along on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #CMBNAtABCKids16 to see products before they even hit the shelves!
Third child gets all the hand-me-downs, right? Baby girl's crib currently has all the teeth marks from when her brother used it. Her future big-girl car-seat currently has a Mickey Mouse pin lodged into the cup holder and will not budge.
I was recently introduced to the Britax Advocate ClickTight car seat and their new Anti-Rebound Bar. It's the easiest car seat you will ever install.
City Moms Blog Network, along with 32 of our Sister Sites hosted Bloom, a national event for new and expecting moms on April 28th...
This past year I was pregnant for the first time in three and a half years. That's three and a half years away from...
Can you recall a moment in your parenthood journey where you were completely clueless on what to do next? Let's be real here. We all have....
"Carrying a newborn close to your heart is like being in seventh heaven"
- Björn Jakobson (Baby Björn's Founder) -
Babywearing just got easier (and more...
Disclosure :: This is a sponsored post brought to you by Itzy Ritzy, Philips Avent and Lansinoh. Every last one of these recommendations has...