I was recently introduced to the Britax Advocate ClickTight car seat and their new Anti-Rebound Bar. It's the easiest car seat you will ever install.
Because it's not just sunscreen. It's car seats and plastic dishes and juice boxes... It's the hundreds of choices we have to make for our kids that keep us up at night, hoping and worrying that we made the right decision; if we provided our children with the absolute best. While I appreciate having a wealth of knowledge at my fingertips, it can also be overwhelming.
The kids are back in school. Halloween decorations are showing up in the stores. You know what that means??? The holidays are RIGHT around the corner… and with that comes holiday photos!
In that moment, I had a choice. I could have left it as is and hoped she didn’t do it again. Or, I could make sure she heard this message loud and clear. Since this was a situation that put her health and life at risk, I went with the latter.
Oh, fall... How I've missed you so. I've missed your cool breezes blowing through my hair. I've missed your countless craft shows and festivals. I've missed your blanket scarfs and leggings. And more than anything, I've missed your delicious, plentiful, stick-to-your-ribs kind of food.
Having a child with food allergies sucks. Play dates, cafeterias, school parties, birthday parties, Halloween, and bakeries used to be the best. And now they are just, well, hard. And don't even get me started on some of the unkind words or ignorance out there. But there are some things that are awesome about being a food allergy family.
As last years’ school year was ending, all three of my children proclaimed that they would NOT be buying hot lunch the following year. Each wanted to bring lunch from home for the whole year. Yikes.
This is my first year with three kids in some kind of school. Sure, one of them is in a baby school, but if you have a school supply list, back-to-school night and folder for artwork, it counts. Back to school this year brings us much-needed routine, but also fear for the logistics of solo parenting when my husband is out of town. Three drop-off times, three backpacks, three lunches on not enough coffee.
If I had to pick just one thing about back to school that I loathe/despise/dread each day, it’s the routine of lunch prep. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to set my alarm with a 15 minute buffer just to make lunches in the morning. I then end up throwing a whole bunch of random stuff from the fridge into the lunch boxes with a side of graham crackers for good measure.
Summer is officially at our feet, and if you're anything like me - you have about a million different ways you could fill your days. A summer cleaning project where you finally tackle that horrendous guest closet?