Small, but mighty. The Northeast is the nation's most economically developed, densely populated region, with 85 percent of people living in an urban area....
March is just around the corner,  the days are getting longer and whether or not it feels like Spring yet in your neck of...
How many National Parks have you visited? These 63 patches of land are some of America’s greatest treasures, housing everything from waterfalls to geysers,...
Statue of Liberty - City Mom Collective - Big Cities

Big Cities; Big Fun!

Culture and sports and food, oh my! If you're looking for bright lights and endless activities, a big city is the place to visit....
Have you ever taken a train trip? Clickity clack, clickity clack. Train travel is a little bit old school and a whole lot of...
Cruise ship - Cruising - City Mom Collective

Cruising: Easy, Breezy Fun

Cruising. It's arguably the easiest way to travel. Book it. Make your way to the ship. Relax. Wake up in a different location every...
It’s fall. Cooler temperatures usher in some of the best days of the year to enjoy time outdoors before winter arrives. And the activities...
My initial thought when I walked into The Scott was, “Hello, lover.” Because the moment you walk into The Scott, you are transported to...
Summer is here and for many that means family vacation time! If you are traveling with small children you most likely have a car...
Family vacations are exciting, but can often be a bit stressful for parents! Our team of experienced road-warrior moms are passing along our must...

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5 Must-Know Tips for Moms to Survive the Cold & Flu...

There might not be anything worse than hearing a little baby struggle with a stuffy nose and congestion. Those sounds likely make us as...