Organized effort to raise money, provide resources from across the country
August 31, 2017
With a network of nearly 80 parenting resource sites nation-wide, hundreds of moms as owners, thousands as writers and millions of readers, City Moms Blog Network is rallying to assist Houston Moms Blog, Corpus Christi Moms Blog and the communities they serve in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. City Moms Blog Network Founder & Director Stephanie Flies announced today a concerted effort to assist those affected by calling on women within the CMBN sisterhood to use their influence to call attention to this crisis, raise funds, and assist their fellow moms directly impacted by this historical weather event.
“My prayer is that this incredible network of women will all use our influence and voice to make a difference during this difficult time,” said Stephanie Flies, City Moms Blog Network founder and director. “We’ve informed our nation-wide site owners of several ways they can help the Houston and Corpus Christi communities.”
The City Moms Blog Network Hospitality Committee, comprised of volunteers within this sisterhood of mom-focused sites, are spearheading this effort. This group of women will ensure 100% of donated funds will be distributed to sister site writers, owners or team members whose homes have been affected by the storm. Site owners on the ground in Corpus Christi and Houston will help identify those with the greatest needs.
“City Moms Blog Network is amazing group of women that inspire me every day,” said Flies. “It truly is a sisterhood. We all support each other and each other’s sites. I have no doubt these women will rise to the occasion and help other moms in need.”
City Moms Blog Network began with Scottsdale Moms Blog in Scottsdale, Arizona in 2010, where the unique community blogging approach caught on quickly and moms across the country asked to replicate the model in their communities. The sites in the City Moms Blog Network sisterhood represent hundreds of moms as owners, thousands as contributors and millions as readers.
- Flies :: FLEECE
- Michelle Fortin
- (480) 338-0331
- [email protected]
City Moms Blog Network connects moms to information and parenting perspectives unique to their communities; provides a positive voice for motherhood internationally; supports women in the growth of their businesses; and helps brands reach their audience.