Meet Ginger – mom, grammies, fashion lover, and business owner. She’s been known to spoil her fabulous four grandchildren first with love, then with goodies! After 31 years of wedded bliss to her high school sweetheart and three beautiful daughters, family is everything to her. Crafts, art, and the designing of anything always peaked her interest, but it’s the small things in life that really embrace her – smiling, laughing, loving, being a little crazy (okay, a lot crazy!), making memories, and family devotion. Her family is the real reason she wanted to start a business. Ginger knows succeeding at her own business brings in extra money to treat her family to enjoyable trips, delectable dinners, fun outings, and ultimately having something of value to leave behind for her offspring. Ginger also wanted to set a good example for her children and g-kids by teaching them that you truly can do or be anything you want in life if you really go after it. And today, City Moms Blog Network is thrilled to share her story and successes with Apricot Lane.
If we were going to make a colossal life change, I wanted it to be different this time around. I wanted to do something fun. I wanted to get up in the morning and actually want to go to work. This earth is supposed to be life’s playground after all, right? If I was to succeed both in business and spiritually, I knew I had to make work fun! I always loved playing dress up as most little and big girls do, I always loved make-up, purses, jewelry and let’s not forget shoes! So there it was, fashion was part of our destination!

Read Ginger's Story.
Visiting the warm, sunny south as our family annually did, we fell in love with tropical birds, dancing palm trees, aqua crystal waters, white sandy beaches and cheerful hellos from passersby as we browsed our favorite shopping destination. Everything was so bright, upbeat, enjoyable and alive at St. Armands Circle! We had found our haven, we just had to put the rest of the pieces together of life’s journey.
If we were going to make a colossal life change, I wanted it to be different this time around. I wanted to do something fun. I wanted to get up in the morning and actually want to go to work. This earth is supposed to be life’s playground after all, right? If I was to succeed both in business and spiritually, I knew I had to make work fun! I always loved playing dress up as most little and big girls do, I always loved make-up, purses, jewelry and let’s not forget shoes! So there it was, fashion was part of our destination!
Why Apricot Lane.
While researching the merchant and fashion field, I stumbled across the franchise Apricot Lane Boutique. They were the perfect opportunity, as I had never worked in retail before (I sure had lots of experience on the other side of the cash register though!). The next question was, how?
I once read, you don’t need to have all the answers up front, just start taking the steps forward and you will figure it out as you go along. As the old saying goes, “nothing ventured, nothing gained!” Anxiousness and fear of starting your own business are real, but once you look deep inside yourself, confidence overcomes and turns your dreams into reality.
Anxiousness and fear of starting your own business are real, but once you look deep inside yourself, confidence overcomes and turns your dreams into reality.

The American Dream.
One by one they’ve joined me. My family, my husband, my girls, two pups and myself have relocated to sunny Sarasota. We’ve had quite the journey, we’ve flown across the country a few times meeting new people, making new friends, learning new things and experiencing a whole new life. These are all wonderful things we never would have encountered without the courage to just “start”. My journey has brought my family closer together, not only geographically but respectfully. We rely on each other, we laugh together, we each step up to the plate as needed and we really are enjoying each other along the way! We are having fun! Our store, Apricot Lane Boutique St. Armands Circle, is family owned and operated. We created something from nothing. We truly are living the American dream and you can, too!
Make sure to to check out more about Ginger’s Sarasota store AND shop all of the seasons most popular styles from Apricot Lane! Stay tuned as we highlight more Apricot Lane stores around the country and the hardworking #MomBoss that is behind each one.