Are you counting down the days until summer is over? We may be ready for our kids to get back to school and a regular routine to begin again, but before the days get shorter, take some time to slow down, celebrate summer and make memories. Maybe you have your own end of summer traditions (we would love to hear about them if you do!) but if not, start with this simple list.
#1 – Enjoy doing nothing.
Pretty soon, schedules will take over. Not only is there school, but there will be practices, meetings, and hours of homework. Take a day (at least one) and schedule NOTHING. From when the family wakes up until you all go to bed, enjoy the freedom before the calendar takes over.
#2 – Stay up late.
I don’t know about you, but we are pretty strict with bedtimes. As much as they fight it, kids need sleep. But at least once during the summer months, try to forget about bedtime. Sit outside and watch the stars or cuddle inside and enjoy a late-night movie. Soak up the extra time together and sleep in the following day.
#3 – Eat dinner together.
For many families during the school year, dinner becomes a meal on the go. Before the hustle sets in, make a feast! Or go out to dinner. Whether homemade in your kitchen or takeout brought in, the point is to spend quality time together as a family. Eat delicious food and talk to each other free of phones, TV, and technology.
#4 – Have a water balloon fight.
It doesn’t matter if your kids are 7 or 17, water balloon fights are for everyone and definitely something that should be done at least once a summer.
Enjoy The Moment
Whether you do the things listed above, or you do your own thing completely, don’t wish the summer away! We all know how easy that can be, with the chaos of multiple kids at home, but before you know it the school supplies will be back on the shelf and it will all be over!
If you have fun summer ideas to share, please leave them in the comments!

About the Author | Jessica Becker
Jessica Becker is the mother of three extremely energetic boys (5, 3 and 9 months) and wife to her wonderful husband of five years, Mark. She is a former elementary teacher turned stay at home mom and part time barre3 fitness instructor. She loves to spend time reading good books, running outside, iced lattes, trying out new healthy recipes for her family, and coming up with creative activities to keep her boys busy.