The backpacks have been unpacked, teachers have been met, and new friendships are blossoming. As the new school year routine settles in, it’s easy to get burnt out with the nightly routine of homework, sports practices/games, permission-slip signing (seriously, why are there so many papers?!), and bath/bedtime. Add in lunch-packing, and mama may just be too tired to think of a creative, balanced meal for the following day.
If you’re reading the above paragraph and thinking “yes, that’s me!”, today is your lucky day. We have put together a super simple lunch box guide to help you pack the lunches in record time, still have all of the healthy components, and possibly even have your kiddos help in the process!
To help you get started, we have provided a blank template that you can print out and start filling in for (or with) your little ones. We hope that this helps alleviate some of the chaos on those busy, activity-filled evenings that feel so long and full after a summer of lazy evenings and late morning wake-ups. If you have other tips and tricks for making lunch-packing go smoothly, please feel free to share!