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If you’re looking for a post about how to successfully potty train your child in three days…then this isn’t the post for you. Like any “experienced” mom of two children, I thought I was prepared for this unpleasant stage of childhood but I couldn’t have been more wrong.
With my oldest son, potty training seemed to come easy. A few months after he turned two, and thanks to some persuasion by Daniel Tiger, my oldest began showing interest in the potty. He no longer wanted to be changed and the feeling of a dirty diaper began to really bother him. It didn’t take much to convince my son that going on the potty was the greatest thing in the world and the answer to all his problems!
After one unsuccessful attempt (because of undedicated parents), I read quickly through a book on how to train your child in three days, went out and bought a fancy new training potty that played a jingle when he peed, and by the end of a weekend, we nailed it – or I should say he nailed it because to this day I really don’t know why it clicked so easily for him at such a young age.
Fast forward two years later — my husband and I were really looking forward to a few months without diapers before baby #3’s arrival. As summer approached, we thought we’d once again tackle potty training with our youngest. After all, he was easily 4 months older than the first was when he was potty trained. All it would take was a week of structure and discipline and we’d be diaper free! Right?
Wrong! Here we are at the beginning of August and potty training is still a daily battle.
What we as experienced parents quickly forgot was that potty training isn’t about what the parents want, but the child. It’s taken a few months of modeling appropriate behavior, setting rewards, and listening to his needs for us to finally figure out a potty training method that’s working for him. And we’re doing it this time with the help of BabyBjörn!
Just like any new parent, with our first potty training adventure we thought we needed the potty with all the “bells and whistles” and paid the price for it too. What we didn’t account for was the messy cleanups, the failing electronic parts, and the awkward size in our bathroom.
The Baby Björn Potty Chair is perfect for our son’s needs. It’s comfortable for him to sit on and sturdy to grab as he stands up and sits down. Its splashguard design helps prevents messy “spraying” and the inner plastic lining is easily removed for quick clean-ups.
Although the Potty Chair sits in our boys’ bathroom and gets the most use, this potty was so affordable, we were also able to put the Baby Björn Smart Potty in our smaller guest bathroom. Although it’s almost identical to the Potty Chair, the Smart Potty is a more compact size for smaller spaces. It’s perfect for a half bath or even grabbing and taking it on the road when needed!
With the help of Baby Björn, we are able to place more focus and attention on my son’s cues and less time focusing on the clean-up and what we might be doing wrong! After almost 4 unsuccessful attempts, we’re finally close to saying “He’s potty trained!”
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I like reading stories to her about potty training. Sometimes I just create my own story with her name. I also motivate her by letting her pick the underwear of her choice! I won’t push her, she will let me know when she’s ready for the potty journey.
Don’t push it. Let them do it on their own schedule
Little praises…. An M&M or a sticker, etc! Works wonders
We are approaching the time to start this whole process!
I’m not sure yet but I am guessing patience!!
I’m a little ashamed to say that I’ve been pitting my twins against each other. It really helps with the motivation!
none yet but don’t make it a chore
Make it fun for the child!
My daughter just turned 2 and not ready to be potty trained. The best tip I heard was to wait until your child is ready! I’m patiently waiting, but I’m exposing her to potty board books in the meantime.
Wait until your baby is able to communicate with words his/her needs. Also try to keep things positive 🙂
Singing a song while they go is one way for me
My tip is to wait until they’re close to 3, rather than try to potty train earlier on! I potty trained both of my boys a month before they turned 3, and both were potty trained in a day.
Praise or Reward them with small things. Needs lots of patience but wait until they are ready. Always keep on encouraging them
I think I’m kinda lazy, I just wait until they’re pretty much potty training themselves!
Be patient!!
I currently have THREE in diapers. 3 1/2 year old, 1 1/2 year old and 5 week old. I need some potty training success soon because the cost of diapers is crippling and changing 18-20 diapers a day is crazy!!
I am still on the fence about when to start. i think my baby might be ready but do not have the experience or knowledge to figure it out. guess i need to do more research and ask around.
This would be perfect for my daughter!
Wait until your child is ready to start potty training!
Love this style of potty chair for clean up, no ledges for icky messes to get under 🙂
Be persistent. It will pay off.
The best tip I have heard is to wait until they are ready!
Be consistant, make it fun & give rewards! Don’t get yourself or your child stressed over the potty, if it gets too crazy take a break for a week and then start the potty training back up!
Wait til they’re ready!!! Hope we can figure it out again for our third.
My best advice for potty training is to be patient and know that it takes time. Nothing happens overnight.
We dont have any as were at the start of that journey!! Definitely looking for tips!
My advice is to wait until they are ready! It makes the process SO much easier! Also, little rewards like stickers and MM’s worked well for us!
We are just beginning the process with my toddler.
Potty training time! Love this toilet.
waiting until your child is really ready makes the biggest difference
Looking forward to teaching my little one to use the potty!
love our baby bjorn infant seat bouncer. We appreciate the high quality of your products. Could really use the potty chair as our little guy will be needing that very soon! thanks
Currently thinking about potty training and this would be so helpful!
we dont have any potty training tips YET since we’re still expecting! but we’ll be reading up on the comments to follow 🙂
My best tip is to your potty training in the summer when you do not have to put on so many clothes it cuts down on their frustration of not being able to get their pants down and the amount of laundry!
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