Have you ever wondered who our Sister Site Owners are or what being part of our Sisterhood means?
Join us for #WeAreCMBN and discover that our Sister Site Owners are just like you – Moms! Our Sisterhood is united with a passion for connecting moms and making this adventure of motherhood easier.
We all come together with diverse backgrounds, life experience and motherhood journeys to support each other in creating online communities and resources unique to the cities in which we live.
Meet Allison Mack, Owner & Co-Founder of

How many children do you have? Please include their ages.
2 rambunctious boys, age 5 and 2
Do you have another job besides your Sister Site? If so, is it outside the home? Is it full-time or part-time?
Austin Moms Blog is a full-fledged full-time job and there are literally not enough hours in the day for anything else beyond motherhood, work and occasionally being a good wife.
Are you an early bird or a night owl? (A.K.A. When do you get most of your work done?)
I’m an ALL day owl! I’m an over-achieving workaholic and have a difficult time turning my switch to “OFF”.
In 5 words, what does a typical day in your life as a Site Owner AND a mommy look like?
Caffeine. Productive. Giving. Wine. Fast.
What would your tagline be?
Confidence is your best accessory.
What made you decide to join City Moms Blog Network as a Sister Site Owner?
At the time, starting a sister site seemed like a fun “hobby” to embark on as a new mom. I mean clearly I knew it all, right? I had a 10 month old! I thought it would be a way to share in my journey of motherhood, but looking back, I actually had no idea why we were starting a blog. A friend asked if I wanted to launch Austin Moms Blog with her and while half listening I said “sure!”
In your opinion what is the biggest benefit to being part of City Moms Blog Network?
Oh my gosh there are so many benefits. It’s impossible to narrow it down to 1. We are a true sisterhood and rely on one another for encouragement, ideas, and utilize one another’s creativity every day. We are given countless resources to ensure our success from CMBN. And with so many sister sites under the CMBN umbrella, the path has been paved from other sister site pioneers.
How do you maintain or try to maintain a work-life balance?
I get asked this question a lot and balance is something that I struggle with every single day. It’s hard when you’ve got your real live human babies and your real live business baby. They both require time, attention, passion, dedication, and love. Like most people who have a full-time job, my business receives more of my time than my own family. I’m not sure if I will ever have true work-life balance, because I’m a driven person, but I really do try to give all of me when it is my family’s turn.
What is the greatest lesson you have learned as a Sister Site Owner?
There is enough pie in this world for everyone to have a piece. I don’t allow competitors, content, or idea thieves to dictate AMB’s mission.
What is the most rewarding thing about being a Sister Site Owner?
From a personal perspective, it is beyond rewarding to see the community of moms that has been built via Austin Moms Blog. Knowing that moms are meeting up, seeking advice, and sharing in their journeys is more rewarding than I ever could have dreamed. From a professional stand point, it is so rewarding to know that hard work does pay off and I love being able to contribute to our family.
What piece of advice would you give someone thinking about becoming a Sister Site Owner with CMBN?
DO IT! This has been a life-changing opportunity and I pinch myself everyday knowing that this is my “job”. It’s not glamorous and it’s a TON of work, but wow, I just really love what I do.
Finish this sentence :: I have never…
ever EVER had any desire to be an entrepreneur or have a job outside of motherhood until stepping into the role of sister site owner.
What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
Wine. Copious amounts of red wine.
Meet more of our extraordinary Sister Site Owners here. >>
Are you interested in joining our Sisterhood?
Get started today and receive a $400 Business Start-up Package!
If you officially become part of our Network anytime between now and November 25th, 2015 you will receive a $400 Business Start-up Package that includes:
- $250 Apple Gift Card
- $50 Starbucks Gift Card
- MomAgenda Planner
- 1,000 Custom Business Cards from MPIX
Now is the time to get started on your journey to becoming part of #WeAreCMBN! Please fill out our Start A Sister Site Form below as the first step in what will truly be a life-changing opportunity! Be sure to check out our Sister Site map to see if there is a site near you!
Photo Credit :: Dream Photography Studio