Mental Health and Motherhood: Breaking the Stigma and Seeking Help


Our collective mental health seems to be on everyone’s mind right now. The stresses of life make anyone and everyone susceptible to depression, anxiety, and other problems.

City Mom Collective recognizes the importance of talking about mental health, especially as it pertains to motherhood. Today we are sharing content focusing on coping with mental illness, recognizing and treating postpartum depression, protecting our kids’ mental health, suicide prevention, finding help, and more.

Mental Health and Motherhood

Talking about mental health and motherhood should not carry a stigma. The more we talk about and normalize our struggles, the more we can offer each other support and get the help we need.

Normalize Mental Health: A Mother’s Story of Anxiety, Depression, + Finding Help

I Am a Mom With a Mental Illness

Mental Health and Children

There aren’t many parts of motherhood that are more difficult and heartbreaking than watching your child struggle with their mental health. It can feel so isolating. But if this is part of your journey, you are not alone, and there is help available.

I’m a Mom and a Therapist: Here are 3 Ways I Support My Child’s Emotional Health

Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

Postpartum depression and anxiety are some of the most common struggles when it comes to mental health and motherhood. And yet, some new mothers feel a lot of shame around this. But again, we need to keep talking about it and providing resources to eliminate the stigma surrounding this issue.

The Lingering Effects of PPD

Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression? How to Tell the Difference

Treating and Managing Mental Health Issues

Everyone knows about therapy and what an invaluable resource it is for moms struggling with mental health and motherhood. However, sometimes other treatments are needed and can provide amazing results.


The epidemic of suicide in our society is difficult to talk about, but so important. And when it comes to our kids, it’s vital that we talk to them about this issue as well as learn to recognize the warning signs that they may be suicidal.

Anonymous Stories in Motherhood: I’m a Suicide Survivor

Finding Help

Recognizing and admitting we need mental health help is many times a lot easier than finding the right provider. These resources from our sister sites provide valuable insight and tips for moms seeking a therapist or other mental health professionals.

Managing Mental Health While in Crisis

A Mom’s Guide to Finding a Counselor

Hey Mama, You Need a Therapist

Other Resources

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) provides advocacy, education, support and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives.

Psychology Today has detailed listings of therapists for those seeking mental health support Search by zip code, city, or provider name.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.

Postpartum Support International (PSI) provides direct peer support to families, trains professionals, and provides a bridge to connect them.

Mental health and motherhood is a huge topic that encompasses so many different issues. We hope that this guide provides some resources as you navigate the best way to help yourself and your family. 

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Elizabeth Baker
Elizabeth was raised in Houston and met her husband Ryan shortly after graduating from Texas A&M with a journalism degree. A few years later, Grayson {Sept 2010}, turned Elizabeth’s world upside down, not only with his sparkling blue eyes and killer smile, but with his profound disabilities and diagnosis of Mitochondrial Disease. After two years of navigating the world of special needs parenting, Elizabeth and Ryan were blessed with Charlotte {Jan 2013} and Nolan {Sept 2015}, perfectly completing their party of five. Elizabeth and her crew live in Katy, Texas, and when she can steal a few moments for herself, she can be found out for Mexican food and margaritas with girlfriends, binge-listening to podcasts and audiobooks, or trying once again {unsuccessfully} to organize her closet. In addition to her role with City Mom Collective, Elizabeth is the Managing Editor for Houston Moms. You can connect with Elizabeth on Facebook, Instagram or