Miami Latest to Gain Popular Motherhood Networking Site


Miami Moms Blog to connect Miami moms through information, insight, and in-person events

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. City Moms Blog Network is proud to announce the addition of Miami Moms Blog, which goes live July 18, 2018. The site is the latest to join this national network of 90 parenting resources websites across the country. Miami Moms Blog founder and owner Cierra Bragan joins hundreds of like-minded entrepreneurial mothers running successful City Moms Blog Network sister sites.

“Motherhood at its very core is about building a community. We do this every day within our own families,” said Cierra Bragan, Miami Moms Blog founder and

Cierra Bragan

owner. “However, I feel strongly that a supportive community in addition to our family is necessary to thrive in motherhood. So, I decided to start Miami Moms Blog in order to provide a place where local moms can connect and find the encouragement and resources that they need to succeed.”

City Moms Blog Network attracts millions of readers each month to its hyper-local sites. At each site, local moms, like Bragan, sit at the helm and recruit more local moms to contribute content and offer expertise in all topics associated with motherhood. All City Moms Blog Network site owners are connected to a network of like-minded entrepreneurs running sites across the country.

“We are thrilled to welcome Miami Moms Blog to our sisterhood of city mom blogs,” said Stephanie Flies, City Moms Blog Network founder and director. “Cierra is joining a remarkable community of moms, all dedicated to connecting moms in their own cities,

Stephanie Flies

working together to make sure each site is successful.”

“I am proud to be a part of the City Moms Blog Network because of their outstanding reputation for excellence in producing 90 local parenting resource sites across the country,” said Cierra Bragan, Miami Moms Blog Founder and Owner. “As a City Moms Blog Sister Site Owner, I feel a powerful sense of solidarity knowing women around our nation are joining together and working tirelessly to bring this valuable resource to moms in their local communities.”

City Moms Blog Network began with Scottsdale Moms Blog in Scottsdale, Arizona in 2010, where the unique community blogging approach caught on quickly and moms across the country asked to replicate the model in their communities. The nearly 90 sites in the City Moms Blog Network sisterhood represent hundreds of moms as owners, thousands as contributors and millions as readers.


  • Flies :: FLEECE


City Moms Blog Network connects moms to information and parenting perspectives unique to their communities; provides a positive voice for motherhood internationally; supports women in the growth of their businesses; and helps brands reach their audience.
