Early childhood is one of our favorite times to be a mom! Your child’s personality is starting to take shape and their little minds are growing every minute!
In this issue of Mom Must-Haves, we are sharing our favorite products for preschool-aged kiddos from educational games to potty training tools.

Whose mom ride is currently littered with everything from Legos to crayons to stickers? (Picture us jumping up and down with all hands in the air!) Let us introduce you to our new best friend, the Kids Car Caddy from My Specialty Kids Shop.
Kids now have a writing surface with ample storage for their markers, crayons, stickers and more. Not to mention it is a perfect work space for coloring or playing with small toys. With a durable zipper, it can store everything your child needs to make even a short trip easier!
Oh, and that isn’t even the best part! There is a clear pouch that fits an iPad or Tablet beautifully for hands-free viewing. Amazing right!? Pick one up for each kiddo now on Amazon with their exclusive 10% off code for our readers. Enter CITYBLOG during checkout. Offer good through Monday, September 4th.

There aren’t strong enough words to express how much our kids love Magnatiles. These magnet gems provide hours of entertainment for preschoolers, not too mention older siblings or even mom and dad! If you are starting to think about holiday gifts (say what!?), be sure to add these to the list!

This one is likely just as much for mom as it is toddler, however EZPZ Silicon Mats make lunchtime (or any meal time) that much more fun – and easier! These mats literally have a plate build into them, helping to contain the messes bound to happen when you combine little hands with food. Bonus: They are easy to clean and BPA free!

How adorable are these animal shaped backpacks from Skip Hop? We wish they made them in our size! But in all seriousness, these little creatures make the perfect preschool bag or even a transitional bag as you graduate from diaper bag to something that can fit just the essentials. They come in a variety of animal styles, so good luck picking just one!

Speaking of transitioning from a diaper bag, before you start the much anticipated (or dreaded) potty training endeavor, pick yourself up some of these Hanna Andersson Training Pants. They have a padded center helping to catch any dribbles as your child learns. Potty training game changer!

Getting a child to sit still long enough to do much of anything is tough work, let alone help them learn new skills! Luckily, we came across these flashcards from BrainQuest, which makes teaching your child fun in the form of a Question-and-Answer game format.
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This is officially my favorite article ever! Thank you for sharing all of these great finds with other moms 🙂 I can personally say that the Magnatiles are a STAPLE in our house but I will be looking to try out some of the others. Again, thanks for the article.