Want to know what other moms are reading about? We’ve pulled the top 5 posts from across our Sister Sites just for you!

A Little Secret for Working Moms
Working moms have two jobs — the one that pays them, and the one they love more than life. And there are so many times these two jobs are at odds with each other, are pitted against each other, suck time and energy from each other, and pull a working mom in too many directions when she has no give left to give.

Organic Sex: Natural Family Planning and the Military
Here is a little story. We had just moved overseas and were welcomed by the most incredible group of people. I was so excited! We were still in a temporary apartment off-base waiting for our house to be inspected and repainted when I found out I was pregnant with our second child. Our first was only 11 months old when we saw the positive on the pregnancy test. Needless to say, I was tired and slightly emotional and cried almost the whole day.

Enough With The Parties … FOR THE LOVE!
Can we, as mothers … scratch that, as humans, all agree that the celebrations we are showering our kids with are out of control? Look, I am not 100% innocent in this. I take monthly photos of my kids for the first year of their life; I find myself wanting to get my children a physical reward for good behavior; I make a big deal out of birthdays. It kind of stops there for me.

To The Nurses That Delivered My “Still” Born Twins
I could only see the ceiling tiles as they rolled me down the hallway, the lights passing in fluorescent blobs. As we turned the corners, I worked to steady my hips on the wedge holding them at an angle upward so they were slightly above my head. The contractions that had been pulsating through my back all morning had subsided slightly as we made our way to the room.

Staying Home :: Understanding Isolation as a Stay-at-Home Mom
When you’re pregnant, aside from being asked 10,000 times a day if you know the gender and when your due date is, people like to tell you about All the Joy. You are about to experience the Best Days of Your Life, and you better be ready. A few will also tell you in hushed tones about loneliness and isolation. They will ask with a hint of concern whether you have playgroups to go to or friends with new babies.