Want to know what other moms are reading about? We’ve pulled the top 5 posts from across our Sister Sites just for you!

Dear Drunk Driver {An Open Letter from a Pediatrician}
For the past eight and a half years, I have worked as a Pediatric Hospitalist. That means that I get to take care of newborns as well as older kids that are sick and need to be hospitalized. I also help the Emergency and Trauma physicians with pediatric traumas. Those are the hardest cases. Newborns are awesome. The vast majority of sick kids get better pretty quickly. But the traumas can range anywhere from a minor concussion all the way through death. And most traumas are preventable. Especially when a drunk or impaired person is involved. This is my open letter to the (too many) drunk drivers I have encountered in my career.

The Phone Call That Changed Our Lives | My Adoption Story
“Traci, hey, it’s (name) from the adoption agency.” This was the first time I’ve been contacted since sending in our application 17 months prior. “Hi!” (secretly dying on the inside). “We’re calling because your application indicated you’re willing to adopt an older child. We have a boy that just turned 4 we’d love for you to meet.” I’m still dying, but possibly on the inside and outside at this point.

Why We Have Sex (Almost) Everyday
But as I thought about it, I realized that our sex life could definitely use a boost. Between work, helping an elementary school kid with homework and chasing around a 3-year-old, our sex life had become almost non-existent. Sure, we did the deed every couple of weeks, but I was really only doing it out of perceived obligation. I didn’t have a reason to withhold it, but I could hardly ever find a way to get myself in the mood, either.

Please: Take Mom’s Picture, Too
Well, it’s official: the holidays are over. All that’s left, for a lot of us, is an alarming number of new toys (…donation time!) and about eleventy-zillion photos. The other day, I was looking through all the pictures I took—kids in front of the tree, kids opening gifts, kids looking bored and vacant while I practically popped blood vessels trying to get them to smile—and I noticed something kinda sad…

Foolproof Tantrum Stoppers
If you’re here looking for foolproof tantrum stoppers, you must have hit at least 18 months and the tantrums have begun. But, if you think the two’s are terrible, my mother always said the person who invented that phrase did NOT keep the kid until three; three is worse.