Want to know what other moms are reading about? We’ve pulled the top 5 posts from across our Sister Sites just for you!

What I Hope They Remember
In my dozen years of parenting, I have found one clichéd statement to ring true.
The days are long, but the years are short.

Postpartum Hair Loss: Regrow and Thicken Your Hair
My doctor told me that everyone thinks they will go bald, but they don’t. I sighed with relief. Turns out, I did not go bald, but I was left with sections that would show my scalp. On top of not fitting into my clothes, being sleep deprived, leaking milk from my boobs, I was now having hair loss issues. Fast-forward to many months later, my hair grew back and it’s thicker than ever!

We Couldn’t Afford to Pay for College, and It’s Not The End of the World.
And yet, I eventually realized that paying her tuition bills meant not paying other bills. And soon, I could see where that was leading us. It was like I was standing too close to a painting where I could only see a small part of the picture. I was fixated on my daughter not having to take out school loans while not paying off our own credit card bills.

The Isolation of Racism
I’m 35 years old and I still have moments where I feel lonely as the the only non-white person in the room. All in all, I’m pretty secure in who I am and confident about the person I have become. I’d like to believe my children are growing up in a time that is more open and accepting about race and ethnicity, but there are times I’m not sure.

5 Money-Saving Apps to Download Today
While many moms still love to clip (you go mama!), I have discovered a few apps that make saving money easier. But hey, if coupons work for you, then go for it! In the end, a few bucks saved can really add up and that’s what’s important.