Want to know what other moms are reading about? We’ve pulled the top 5 posts from across our Sister Sites just for you!

Holding On With a High Needs Baby
Our family didn’t start as quietly and calmly as I had imagined, but our journey has made us strong and attached. I hope my high needs baby turns into a strong, persistent, influential woman. And if she ever needs it for any reason, I still have that yoga ball tucked away for her.

It Happened to Me: My Baby Was Left in the Car
It’s true. Six years ago, as new parents, my baby daughter was accidentally left in the car. And I am bravely coming out to speak about it, publicly, so that I might inspire some awareness and compassion. So now that I have your attention, I kindly ask that you put down your pitchfork, and promise not to hunt down and share my license plate information for the use of future shaming.

7 Things To Know About Having Kids Close in Age
We front-loaded the chaos and challenges of the early years by having kids close in age, and it was worth it, but however you choose to plan (or not plan) your family, it will be perfect for you.

How I’ve Learned to Communicate With My Kids Without Yelling
I made a decision to stop relying on yelling; I knew I had to make some changes in myself before I could expect any changes in the boy’s behavior. There are absolutely times when I fall back into yelling. But the difference is that I try to be more aware of it now and use other strategies where I am more likely to stay calm.

Kindergarten is Stealing My Child’s Joy
The word kindergarten is German. It literally means child garden and the belief was based on the idea that children were good learners when placed in the right environment that cultivates natural learning.