Want to know what other moms are reading about? We’ve pulled the top 5 posts from across our Sister Sites just for you!

Floaties are the Devil (and 9 More Safety Tips that Lifeguards Wish Parents Knew)
In all likelihood, your biggest concerns at the pool will be sunburns and bee stings. But consider this information like car insurance: you have it if you ever need it. Happy swimming!

Foster Children: The Night We Answered the Call
I tried to keep my voice level and not sound like the hot mess of inexperience that I was. What were those questions I was supposed to ask about possible placements? I threw out a couple halfheartedly. I put her on hold to consult with my husband. I rattled off the little I knew… more boys… their ages. 19 months and how old!? 4 months!? What do we say? We wanted to help right? How can we say no? This is what we signed up for, right?

Success for My Kids Means Don’t Be a Jerk
Their grades may be perfect and they may have just won the winning goal at a soccer game, but if they are incapable of empathy we have some serious work to do. Because in my house, I’m much more concerned about raising good humans than producing adults that will put worldly accomplishments above human decency.

The First Year is Not the Hardest
Raising tiny humans is hard. Keeping them fed, bathed, clothed, and loved – that’s the easy part. Teaching them to be kind, to be empathetic, to work hard, to ask hard questions, to be confident and strong, to march to the beat of their own drummer, and for us as parents to be at peace with the fact that each day our children grow bigger and will one day not need us so much – these are the hard parts.

Raising A Child Who Is Both Woke And Free
Now that I’m raising a child of my own who is entering elementary school in an era where information is far more accessible, I want to be careful about the messages he hears from the world and from me. I want him to have pride and optimism combined with an awareness of how the world views him. But everyday we are presented with more evidence that many of the people who impact his future with actions today are asleep at the wheel when it comes to diversity, inclusion and improved outcomes for children like him. So how do I raise a child who is both woke and free?