Want to know what other moms are reading about? We’ve pulled the top 5 posts from across our Sister Sites just for you!

The Joy and Sadness of Being Done with Babies
But through this grief, I know that I will now be able to focus on being the best mom I can be to my three growing boys. And as time passes, simultaneously in the blink of an eye and ever so slowly, I am finding more of that non-mother identity resurfacing. I know that the chaos will continue, taking on a different form through each chapter. I am certain that my family is complete and I am right where I need to be, I think to myself as I drive away in my Honda Odessey

Ode to Moms of Seriously Sick Kids
I’ve watched your struggle. You are a warrior. You are tough. You are brave. You are doing the hard thing, but the most important thing as well. You’re not going to get a medal or be honored, but you’re doing life-saving, life-changing work from deep places of unconditional, sacrificial love that many humans have never even tapped into.

10 Things People Need to Stop Asking Moms
Every woman’s journey is unique. We miss the chance to really know each other when we frame other women based on our own experiences. The next time you feel like asking one of these questions, take a breath and think twice. Your foot and mouth will thank you for it.

I’m Breaking Up with My Yoga Pants
Don’t get me wrong, I know many women who feel empowered and motivated (as I once did) in a good pair of yoga pants. But, I had let them become my crutch and my vice. I wasn’t motivated to do much of anything and they really fed my laziness. So I’m making the breakup. No more yoga pants. That also means no more leggings, unless I’m working out. I will put on jeans and a shirt, everyday. T-shirt is fine, but real pants are a must. Doing so has already helped me keep my motivation and productivity during the day. It encourages me to get out of the house and go on adventures, even if only to the library!

Why I Need to Stop Feeling Guilty for Being a Stay at Home Mom
I am a stay-at-home mom. I am also a feminist. Do these things inherently negate each other? They don’t have to and I am learning how. And it’s hard and real.