Want to know what other moms are reading about? We’ve pulled the top 5 posts from across our Sister Sites just for you!

I Have Fruit Snacks in my Pocket.
Judge me if you must. But I’ve decided that for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord and enjoy our fruit snacks.

Floaties are the Devil (and 9 More Critical Safety Tips Lifeguards Wish All Parents Knew)
My lifeguard training instructor said it best: most floaties (especially those found on end caps at big box stores) help your child float upside down as well as right side up. On top of that, they can pop. Oh and they lead to a false sense of security for the parent.

Mom-Recommended Tips for Your Summer Makeup Challenges!
Every season has its challenges for skin care, and summer is no different. How do you moisturize, deal with sweat and oil, protect your skin from the sun, and look “fresh” without using 15 different products and spending hundreds of dollars?

Graduate School Wife: 3 Tips for Surviving the Student Stage
And, here we are! Five years later and facing his final (hopefully!) cap-and-gown celebration! This time, the cap is a little sillier and the gown a bit more elaborate, but the gig is familiar. We do have two little ones to add to the photos this time, so that’s a treat. Well, it’ll be a treat when we have all four grandparents to entertain said kiddos during the hours-long graduation ceremony…

Top 10 Unique Summer Boredom Busters for Older Kids
“If given the opportunity, I think my two boys would spend a majority of their summer in our basement watching YouTube Kids or playing Minecraft.” One mom shares her tips for keeping big kids busy and minimizing screen time.