Want to know what other moms are reading about? We’ve pulled the top 5 posts from across our Sister Sites just for you!

Loving the Life Unexpected
As my youngest prepares to start kindergarten in the fall, my husband and I are evaluating our life, discussing where we want to be in another five years and deciding whether to change our current lifestyle. That’s where “I did think the house would be cleaner” came in. Setting aside all expectations, though, I just nodded. “Yeah,” I said. “I did, too.” We smiled, shrugged, and ate some ice cream.

Big Kid Bedwetting: The Painful Truth
I have a 9 year old that still wets the bed. I never imagined that this would be a problem that we would be handling. A problem that can be heartbreaking at times. It’s like a family secret.

When The Latest School Shooting is in Your Hometown
As I hung up the phone and mopped up my son and the spilled lemonade, I realized there are five teenagers on my block, each trying to navigate these tumultuous times. There is one boy who walks home every day from the middle school down the street. I don’t know his name, despite having lived one house away from him for years. Today, I am going to change that.

Chat About 529 College Savings Plans Leads to Peace of Mind for Dad
After George Johnson III was born, his parents – George II and Maria – were certain of this much: Their son was going to college, the school of choice was Michigan State University, and they were going to pick up the tab.

When Anxiety Shows Up As Anger, Everyone Suffers
And when I realized that my children were spending their days with a mom who was nearly always mad about something, it crushed me. Clearly, their behavior, while frustrating, was normal and age-appropriate. And yet, they were constantly being criticized for it. I started searching on the internet for stories of moms dealing with anger towards their small children and realized most of them had a common cause :: ANXIETY.