Want to know what other moms are reading about? We’ve pulled the top 5 posts from across our Sister Sites just for you!

Chasing Normal
And we would grieve. We would mourn for the child we had thought we would have, the birth we had imagined, the loss of the “normal” that we had expected. Then we questioned: Why can’t he just be normal? Why can’t we just have a normal life? Why can’t I just worry about normal baby things like teething and tummy time?

I Don’t Want to Yell Anymore
She is worth it – every last ounce of her daring, fearless heart. The next time I yell, I hope it will be to tell her how proud I am of her. She deserves that.

A Letter to My Daughter’s NICU Nurse
Of course that only made me cry more, but that was the last time I cried while visiting. I had been completely torn between wanting to be at the hospital with my newborn 24/7 while also wanting to be home with my other baby. You saw right through me. What you said might have sounded harsh, but it was the reminder I needed.

Don’t Touch My Boobs: An Open Letter to New Dads
I can tell you that if I’m feeling ugly, exhausted, worried, or overwhelmed, my head’s not in the game. As a woman, I need my head to be in the game. And I certainly don’t feel naughty when I haven’t taken a shower in three days, the dishes are overflowing out of the sink, and I still can’t manage to rock pants without a large elastic waistband.

I’m On Royal Wedding Watch Because Meghan Markle Was My KKG Sorority Sister
So this Saturday, I will be tuning in with the rest of the world and watching as Meghan and Harry make history. (OK, I may not get up at 4:00 a.m. but definitely plan to catch it on the DVR) Best wishes to these two as they take the plunge… and if they decide to expand the royal brood (which I know we all hope they do – no pressure!), our great mom community will be there to offer advice and support along the way.