Want to know what other moms are reading about? We’ve pulled the top 5 posts from across our Sister Sites just for you!

A Friendly Holiday Suggestion From a Mom with Too Much Stuff
I’m going to take this opportunity to say something that may anger some of you – particularly those of you who may or may not be grandparents or extended family to precious little children that you are looking forward to showering with many, many wrapped and bow-topped items over the coming weeks. I say this not to hurt your feelings, but to let you know something that a lot of us mamas (although certainly not all) are feeling this time of year.

My Family Looks Perfect
My family looks perfect. Two parents, three kids. They’re all pretty cute, if I may say so myself. We live in an awesome house, in a wonderful area. My husband has a good job, and I stay home with our young kids. On the surface, we look like we have it all. We look like the perfect family, like all of our dreams come true.

I’m The Worst Mom Ever
His large, blue eyes searched me for reassurance. I put both hands up, signaling him to stay calm, pretending I was fully aware of what was going on. I swallowed deeply and watched as he sat towards the back of his first Taekwondo test, observing the other participants going up to receive their new belt from the instructors, with congratulatory handshakes and photos from onlooking parents.

I Don’t Want Another Baby.
No one warned me that there’s an unspoken threshold that occurs when your firstborn (your only) turns two. As the chubby fat rolls go away, as toddling steps turn into a self-assured run, society assesses your family status, and an invisible beacon turns on above your head: one that signals “it’s time.”

Forever Ours: An Adoption Story
It felt like they were always ours. Sometimes my breath catches in my throat when I remember that my sons’ cousins weren’t always here; that they weren’t infants snuggled together on the same play mat while my sister and I discussed bottles and burping positions. Because now they are a part of each other. My sons and their cousins fight like siblings and literally ask to spend every single day together, but we weren’t always this lucky.