Want to know what other moms are reading about? We’ve pulled the top 5 posts from across our Sister Sites just for you!

11 Real Life Hacks from a Desperate Mom
Life is challenging. Here are real life hacks I use in order to keep my sanity as a mom of four. You can read this list two ways. One, read just the headings. These are real things that I do to keep our house under control. Or, two, read the descriptions. These explanations may have come from the edge of sanity.

How Do You Date Night? :: Date Ideas When You’re Married With Kids
Finding time to get a date night in every once in awhile is not always easy. All too often we look up from the hustle and bustle of our life to find it has been months since we’ve had quality time with our significant other. As parents, especially with little ones not yet in school, I think it is important to intentionally schedule in date nights. My husband and I always keep a date on the schedule every week but in all honesty, we usually only get them every couple of weeks. Sometimes it is a dinner date, sometimes lunch between our busy days, sometimes just a walk in the morning without the kids.

I Am Still A Wife: 3 Thoughtful Ways To Connect with Your Husband
When I think about the most unexpected things to come from motherhood I think of two things: the overwhelming amount of love that I felt for someone I just met, and how it changed my relationship with my husband. I feel as though I’ve emerged from the tiny baby fog stage, and I’ve realized that as I became a mom, my role as a wife was pushed aside. I was so concerned with diaper changes, nursing, and keeping tiny humans alive that my relationship with my husband was pushed to the back burner.

My Experience with Childhood Cancer and Ways You Can Help
We pulled into the permit-only parking lot I used to think was for employees only, and we made our way to the second floor of the hospital. The parking lot, I had since learned, was a special parking lot with free parking. It’s location was designated due to the fact it is a short walk to second floor of the first street building – the oncology section of the hospital. We stood in line to check in and I gave a friendly half-smile/head nod to a nice couple in the waiting room.

10 Easy Ways to Help Your Child’s Teacher
School is in full swing! Class routines have been established, teachers have figured out names, and the learning has begun. Your child’s teacher puts so much time, energy, effort and (their own) money into the school year. How about helping him/her out this year? Some teachers will ask for help sure, but lots won’t. It’s little things, like those I am listing, that can make all the difference.