Want to know what other moms are reading about? We’ve pulled the top 5 posts from across our Sister Sites just for you!

#BoyMomProblems Needs to Disappear
A lot of things associated with this hashtag are not boys will be boys, but rather kids will be kids. I, for one, will not pass off my son’s bad behavior with a cute caption, an emoji, and #boymomproblems. I hope you won’t either.

Whatever You Do, Stay Off the Rollercoaster!
How often in my life has a knee jerk reaction led me to jump on that ride and get angry, sad, or upset? How many times have I done this when it had absolutely NOTHING to do with me? How often have other people’s emotions set off my own emotions in which level-headedness goes completely out the window? How much better would I be as a parent, as a spouse and as a friend if I said, “You go ahead and be upset. I’ll be right here when you calm down.”

Why I Let My Daughter Watch Too Much TV
Let me just say that I agree completely with most of the points made in these articles. And if you’re a parent who has limited or completely forbidden screen time for your children, I’m really happy for you. I wish I could be you, actually.

That Time My Kid Wore the Same Dress for 45 Days Straight
I enjoyed a slight break in laundry and the ease of getting dressed in the morning, and the Aunt Kim dress taught me a few things in the end. It’s OK to just go with the flow on some things and heck, maybe I’m teaching them something in the long run. Or, maybe they are teaching me.

Let’s Talk Playdates and Safety: What Is The GFM?
The GFM can work in reverse as well. It can feel uncomfortable to ask questions about another person’s home, but ultimately the welfare of your child is at issue. Never apologize for protecting your child. These are real issues and as parents, we need to talk about them freely. Roar on, Mama Bear.