Want to know what other moms are reading about? We’ve pulled the top 5 posts from across our Sister Sites just for you!

The Elf on the Shelf Is On the Move Again: 24 Creative Elf Ideas
Through the process of moving our elf each night, I realized that I’m participating in one of the most important practices of the Christmas season, giving. I am giving a little bit of time each night (2-20 minutes) to create something special for our elf to do. This senseless elf tradition has become a huge reminder of how magical the Christmas season truly is.

Drainers and Fillers: Which One Are You?
As a wife, mother, daughter, or sister, are you a Filler or a Drainer? As an employee or boss, are you adding energy or draining it? When you go to the post office, the grocery store, or the dentist, are you filling cups or draining them?

My Ultimate Mom Hack: The Beauty of Made Up House Rules
For me, the cardinal house rule was you had to be back in the house by the time the street lights came on. Yea, those kinds of made up house rules, only now you’re Mom, and you get to make them up now.

Holiday Hair (in Under 5 Minutes)
No need to book a pricey salon visit. Just a few bobby pins and a bathroom mirror. Five minutes or less. She promises. Once you see how easy it is, you might even use it to run to Target. You’re welcome!

What the Heck is Anxiety?
It’s OK that some people don’t understand you, it’s OK if you fall apart, it’s OK to not have it all together. More than likely the mom that seems to have it all together, DOESN’T. Every challenge we face, especially as mothers and wives, is a new way to learn, grow and most importantly help another mother out. What helps you get back in control?