Want to know what other moms are reading about? We’ve pulled the top 5 posts from across our Sister Sites just for you!

Orange Night: Why You Need This Thanksgiving Tradition in Your Life
In an age where we are constantly on the move from work to activities and responsibilities, asked to always be available, distracted by social media, and pulled in different directions all day long, let me invite you to enjoy the simplicity that is Orange Night!

Homelessness: Embracing Discussions with Your Children
November 8th is Homelessness Awareness Day. Living in a large urban city we are faced with the realities of homelessness. It’s not easy to talk about, but it is imperative that we not ignore when our children have questions.

Moms Guide to Changing the World: Make Voting a Family Activity
Whatever your beliefs, and whoever you’d like to see in power, November 6th is an opportunity not just to cast your vote, but to make it a family affair.

The Breakfast Club: One Mom’s Quest for Morning Sanity
One thing that I can exercise control over is the breakfast schedule. Yes, I said breakfast schedule. I have been making the same breakfast foods on the same day of the week since 2013. My friends get a huge laugh out of it, but I am quite comfortable with my neurotic breakfast schedule.

Sensory Processing Disorder: Our Diagnosis Story
As He was diagnosed as having Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). Basically, his nervous system was not processing his sensory perceptions correctly. When he would cry that his haircut hurt, it’s because it literally did hurt him. Sometimes the crashes into the wall and into other people actually felt good. What sounds like a noisy room to us can sound like a rock concert to him. I was so relieved that I cried. My mama gut was right that this wasn’t typical toddler behavior.