I have a friend who loves to clean. She loves to wash dishes, to do laundry and especially to sweep the floor. Once, she asked if she could come over and tidy up my pantry – that it would be fun for her.
She has four children and at one point, she just couldn’t keep up with cleaning, kids and her business. She hired a cleaner to come in once a week to help with the house, but she was still overwhelmed. I suggested she instead hire a babysitter for the kids and do the cleaning herself. Her eyes lit up! She might not have to give up her beloved cleaning, after all.
To me, people like my friend are unicorns.
In the unlikely event I ever won the lottery, the first thing I’d do is hire someone who loves cleaning as much as my friend does to visit weekly and keep my house ship shape. And I would pay that lovely human a handsome fee for doing it because, well, it’s just not my thing.
I try to keep my house just tidy enough that if a friend stops by unexpectedly to drop something off, I could invite her in rather than letting her freeze on the front porch, while we visit. But I’d like to do better. I’d love to live in a home that always felt clean and peaceful. I’d love to walk into a sparkling bathroom every time and to not have washed-and-dried clothes draped over on the banister in the loft.
For me, cleaning needs to be easy or it’s not going to happen as often as it should. I need maps, plans and directions for making it happen. If you have tips, please drop them into the comments. If you’re like me and need all the help, read on. Superstar mamas from across the country share their best tips below.
Looking for a simple system for keeping your home in order? Military Mom Collective has a five-step plan:
Cleaning Up Your Act: How to Tackle Your Chores and Gain Some Sanity
Des Moines Mom offers first-hand guidance on how to move from mess-maker to tidy mama:
Cleaning Tips from a Reformed Mess Maker
Get the little ones involved! Colorado Springs Mom Collective has all the details:
7 Ways to Have Your Young Kids Help Clean the House
Miami Moms has a helpful post with lots of helpful spring-cleaning hacks for busy moms:
Spring Cleaning: Helpful Hacks for Busy Moms
Boy mom? Louisville Mom Collective has you covered!
5 Cleaning Hacks from a Boy Mom
Flagstaff Mom offers some simple shortcuts that should add precious minutes back into your day:
Fam, Clean Your House!
Not sure where to start? San Diego Moms offers cleaning product recommendations big and small for busy moms.
Have a little margin in your budget? Hire someone to help. Scottsdale Moms has a step-by-step guide on how to do it!
How and Why to Get Yourself a House Cleaning Fairy!