We are moms. As news of the novel coronavirus migrates from overseas reports to letters from our local school districts and doctors’ offices, moms join the frontline against germs.
But we do not panic.
Moms are measured. Practical. Calm.
When uncertainty takes shape – whether it’s in our homes or in the world at large – we do our research, pool our resources and work together. We take a breath and soothe the masses.
We unite.
Stronger Together
It’s tempting in times like this to isolate ourselves. Or panic. Or stock up on respiratory masks, close our eyes, cross our fingers and hope what is happening in China won’t happen here.
Instead, let’s do what moms do best: Be aware and prepare. Follow common sense steps like washing hands and covering coughs to help slow any spread. These are things we should be doing this time of year, anyway. Then, we should continue living our lives.
In the coming months, some of our communities may wrestle with increasing numbers of cases. If that happens, let’s not turn away from those who happened to contract it. They will need our compassion and so will their families.
Let’s not attach a stigma — that could cause people to avoid reporting symptoms. And it’s not kind. Instead, let’s keep the love flowing to anyone who might happen to become infected. Email them. Text them. Let them know you’re thinking of them. Ask what they need.
And let’s support the people — military, doctors, nurses and others — who are helping those patients.
Moms Busting Coronavirus Myths
You know when your child comes home from school with some misinformation? You correct her and explain that just because she hears something doesn’t mean it’s fact.
The coronavirus situation has sparked lots of misinformation — information that we as moms can help dispel. Hand dryers kill the virus? Hmmm… The World Health Organization has assembled a list of common myths here.
Moms are smart. We can help stop the spread of misinformation through a bit of research.
Preparing for Coronavirus and Other Situations
Listen… preparing for the potential of novel coronavirus is similar to preparing for natural disasters and other situations. Following are some simple precautions the Red Cross suggests:
- Keep a supply of household supplies, food staples and medications on hand.
- If you have elderly relatives, have a care plan for if they fall ill.
- Know ahead of time how local agencies share information.
- Learn how your workplace and your children’s schools plan to handle any issues.
Where to Donate
Want to help? Below are links to a few organizations that might point you in the right direction:
Steady as She Goes
As moms, our kids look to us for reassurance in this world; coronavirus is no different. If our children come home asking questions, we can take the opportunity to sit down for a little talk.
Just letting them know that the risk is low in the United States might be enough to lower their fears. And as of now, it appears that children are at a lower risk than adults. Is your child sick? Here is a “Panic-Free Symptom Checker” from Brave Care.
Are there moments when you are feeling anxious? Phone a friend to talk it out. We are moms. We are strong. And we are better together.