With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, it is very easy as a mom to get wrapped up in to-do lists, place settings and all the things, while truly forgetting the reason for the season.
At City Moms Blog Network, we want to make this holiday season just a bit easier with our Mom’s Guide To Thanksgiving, so you can focus on what’s truly important. Along with our Sister Sites, we have compiled a guide full of all things Thanksgiving related, from mouth-watering recipes, to DIY and craft projects perfect for the kids, as well as traditions to start with your own family.

How To Cook Your First Turkey
Being a brand new-ish wife, I figured this was my time to shine in all of my domestic glory, so I dug into Ina Garten’s recipes (they never fail!) and set out to make the most perfect little Thanksgiving.

Autumn Dinner Salad
They’ve all been quick, delicious and, frankly, they look impressive when placed on the table. And for that moms, you deserve a pat on the back.
Homemade Applesauce
Fall is here and there’s nothing better than the smells of apple and cinnamon coming from your kitchen!

De-Stress Thanksgiving Dinner
Your table might be set for 2 or 20. The menu might be turkey with all the trimmings or take-out pizza. The meal doesn’t have to be perfect; the important thing is to take the time to give thanks…
A Thanksgiving Meal
In the last few years or so I’ve curated a great Thanksgiving menu from my favorite food blogs. If you’re hosting Thanksgiving at your house this year, give a few of these a try!
Our Favorite Thanksgiving Recipes
We hope that you enjoy these recipes and that you get to spend lots and lots of time with your family and friends this week!

47 Side Dishes for a Stress-Free Thanksgiving
What are some of your go-to tips for achieving a stress-free Thanksgiving? Do you have any recipes that are a must for your Thanksgiving table?
Pumpkin Pie Recipe
Holidays of my past are coated in warm, buttery memories. My mind’s eyes can still can still see her in the kitchen–apron on, stirring something, and listening to a favorite holiday song.
Tips For A Safe Food Allergy Holiday Season
I know how scary the holidays can be if you or a loved one has a food allergy, but it is definitely possible to still participate, have fun, and stay safe.

Thanksgiving Must-Have Recipes
What are your Thanksgiving food MUST HAVES?

Comfort Food & Joy
Be intentional about how you spend your time this season. If you are the kind of person who will spend a lot of it in the kitchen, make the most of it by sharing the time and the food with those you love.

Tale Of A Cocktail
All in the name of science, friendship, and mommyhood. Take a moment for ME time and explore some or all of these, come up with your own, and let us know how much you liked them.

From Our Table To Yours
Just reading all these recipes makes me hungry and oh-so-ready for Thanksgiving—with all the full hearts and full bellies that it brings!

Thankful Tree: A Cautionary Tale
My kitchen smelled like soap and smoke and I’m surprised our house didn’t catch on fire after that little experiment.

Fall Burlap Wreath
So, now that your front door is festive and ready for fall, go inside and light a pumpkin spice candle, bake some pumpkin spice muffins and pretend its 60 degrees outside.

Thanksgiving Teacher Gifts
Little did I know at that time that this had nothing to do with money and everything to do with being thankful!

Thanksgiving Crafts For Kids
Thanksgiving is not just a holiday or a season. It is a mindset that can last all year round. What are you going to do this year to cultivate it in your children?

Thankful Tree
Trying to teach them what they have to be grateful for is not an easy task, but one thing I have learned as a parent is that my kids learn best when they can see, feel, or experience what I am talking about

Thanksgiving DIY Crafts
Thanks to Pinterest, I have been able to improve my Thanksgiving decor, and I am excited to share two crafts in particular that I think you will love.

A Thanksgiving Craft To Delight or Enrage
I’ve worn my turkey pin at Thanksgiving every year since and made several for friends and family members over the years. Reactions are always mixed, but how fun is a polarizing Thanksgiving craft?
Activities To Keep The Kids Busy
Here are 4 ideas that will keep them in the “Thanksgiving Spirit” while avoiding making a complete disaster of the house before guests arrive.

Thanksgiving Tablescapes
So whether surrounded by crystal and candlelight or eating off the coffee table while you sit on the floor, take the day to eat, rest, and laugh.

Pie Party
Two things you should know about me: I love parties, and I love pie.

Thankfulness Chain
And it’s one of my favorite traditions because it reminds us that every day, no matter what, we can say thanks.

A Sanity-Saver’s Pre-Holiday Checklist
I never realized how much my mom did for our family growing up until I had children, especially around the holidays! There is so much coordinating, gift-buying, and planning to do all in a condensed amount of time.

A Sanity-Saver’s Pre-Holiday Checklist
I never realized how much my mom did for our family growing up until I had children, especially around the holidays! There is so much coordinating, gift-buying, and planning to do all in a condensed amount of time.

Incredible Thanksgiving Traditions
But so much about Thanksgiving is lovely, even aside from the meal—especially the family traditions.

Simple Thanksgiving Tradition for Kids
So, if you find yourself drumming your fingers during your Thanksgiving week when the kids are home from school, you might consider our friend Charlie Brown and the easiest lunch of the year.

Building Family Traditions
We are building the foundation for the traditions our children will experience throughout their childhood, and (hopefully) look back upon with great fondness.

5 Ideas for Cultivating Gratitude
The moments we spend each day thinking about our blessings will add up to a life lived through the lens of abundance and gratitude.
2 of these are linked incorrectly. The “Incredible Thanksgiving Traditions” and “Simple Thanksgiving Traditions for Kids” both are linked to the “Sanity Saver” article…which is already listed twice.