At City Mom Collective, we are dedicating a week to empowering and supporting new and expecting moms. Even though we have always been doing that for the past 10 years, this week, we are focused on four specific topics, EAT, SLEEP, PLAY, and MATERNAL HEALTH. Kate McReynolds, Licensed Mental Health Counselor and mom of 2 shares important tips to help new moms navigate and support their postpartum mental health.
Kate McReynolds :: Root To Rise Counseling

Kate McReynolds is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and mom of two. She is Perinatal Mental Health-Certified, specializing in therapy for prenatal and postpartum support, birth trauma, pregnancy loss, PMADs (Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders), and general maternal wellness. Kate works to support the mother during every experience – pregnancy, loss, labor and delivery, the postpartum period, and beyond.
Follow Kate on Instagram | Facebook | Root To Rise Counseling
Tips for Navigating and Supporting Postpartum Mental Health
Tip #1: Familiarize yourself with signs of The Baby Blues vs. signs of PMADs to have a general idea of what to expect emotionally after giving birth, and ask your birth team (midwife, OBGYN, doula, etc.) for perinatal mental health resources. Counseling and support groups can be extremely helpful as you transition into parenthood, even after the postpartum period.
Tip #2: Identify your expectations and express your boundaries regarding postpartum visitors. Are you open to people coming over just for social visits, or do you want to limit visitors to only the people who will provide hands-on-help? Do you want visitors immediately or do you want to wait? You may not be able to predict exactly how you’ll feel or what you’ll need, but it’s easier to have these plans in place ahead of time and change them as needed, vs. not having them at all.
Tip #3: If you have questions or concerns regarding your postpartum recovery (no matter how big or small) and you feel uneasy about waiting until the standard 6-8 week checkup, ask to schedule something sooner. You deserve to feel comfortable and at ease about your postpartum recovery, and to address your questions and concerns immediately.
Tip #4: If you have a partner, co-parent, or childcare helper, make a plan for who will be responsible for certain tasks in the early postpartum weeks. Who will change diapers, handle the feedings, soothe baby back to sleep, wash/prep baby items, etc.? Discussing expectations ahead of time and starting a routine early on can help to balance the load of parenting so that everyone has the chance to rest and take breaks.
Tip #5: Allow yourself to ask for help when it’s needed and to accept it when it’s offered. Wanting, needing, or accepting help does not mean you’re failing or doing a bad job. You’re doing great, and everyone needs help from time to time. You may be able to do something on your own, but that doesn’t mean you have to.
Tip #6: Remind yourself on a regular basis that you do not have to do it all, your best is going to look different every single day, you are good enough just the way you are, and you are always worthy of having your needs met.