Every year, my sister-in-law and I gather our kids to celebrate the beginning of another school year. We have dinner and end the evening with Pencil Shaped Brownie. It’s a simple tradition that has become a “must-do” every fall for our kids.
Below you’ll find instructions on how to make our Pencil Brownie.
Pencil Brownie
This Pencil Brownie is a perfect (and easy) way for families to celebrate Back to School!
Servings: 8 people
- 1 Box Brownie Mix + Ingredients on Box
- 1 Tub Cream Cheese Frosting
- Pink & Yellow Food Coloring
- Spray 9x13 pan with Cooking Spray
- Line 9x13 pan with Parchment Paper & press down (paper should stick to pan well)
- Spray Parchment Paper with Cooking Spray (this will ensure that the brownie is easily removed from the pan and parchment paper)
- Mix Brownies (as directed on box)
- Bake Brownies (as directed on box)
- Allow Brownies to cool completely
- Remove Brownies from Pan & Parchment Paper
- Remove 1/4 of Cream Cheese Frosting and set in separate small bowl
- Add 2-3 drops of Pink Food Coloring to the frosting (this is for the eraser)
- Remove 1/4 of Cream Cheese frosting to another small bowl (this stays white - do not add food coloring to this bowl! This is for the pencil tip)
- With the remaining 1/2 of the frosting, add 2-3 drops of yellow food coloring (this is for the main part of the pencil)
- Cut Cooled Brownie (as directed in picture)
- Assemble Brownie parts in Pencil Shape (as shown in picture)
- Frost Brownie (as shown in picture)