Personalized Stories For Children AND Parents :: Stepping Stories Review



With my first born, our bedtime routine was sacred. Nothing interfered with our three Bs (bath, books and bed)… And I mean nothing! For 2.75 years our nighttime played out the same way and my son slept awesome!

Then came the arrival of my sweet and precious daughter, who completely ROCKED our bedtime process. I found myself juggling between my two kiddos: one in the bath, one out of the bath, one in jammies, get the other in jammies, brush teeth, feed the little one, etc. I tried to retain my son’s routine as much as possible, however in the process I realized my daughter didn’t have one of her own. And OUR sleep has suffered for it. My daughter is 13 months old and literally just started sleeping through the night a couple weeks ago and still struggles to fall asleep most nights. Needless to say, after over a year of bedtime/nighttime struggles I am ready to help my daughter establish a routine that works for her and elicits healthy sleeping patterns.

stepping_storiesThat is where Stepping Stories comes in and helps save the day!! Stepping Stories work to make parenting easier through highly personalized stories that help young children with transitions and challenges, such as Sleep, Food Allergies, Death of a Pet, Brushing Teeth, Going to School, New Sibling, Divorce or Separation, Potty, Doctor/Dentist Visit, Taking Turns, Moving and Family Illness.

Each book comes personalized with your child’s name, reader’s name, comfort item, dedication page with picture, and you even get to select from a set of characters which best match your child and the reader! They have a fantastic tutorial on how to put together your book and make your selections.

Girl-Solo-FBNow, with Stepping Stories for Sleep, my daughter and I dim the lights, cuddle up and read “her” story about bed time and the importance of getting good sleep. The story walks your child through the process of their sleep routine, providing them a source of consistency and helps demonstrate sequence of events leading to sleep time.

If your child is gearing up for a big life transition or having troubles establishing a healthy routine, then check out Stepping Stories for a 25% off coupon to our City Moms Blog Network Readers. Use coupon code CMB25 at checkout and/or enter to win our giveaway below!

Learn more about Stepping Stories by visiting their website or following them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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