Question 1 of 6.
My timeframe is:
1. A week.
2. Not sure – give me some options.
3. Flexible.
4. A weekend.
5. A few days.
6. As long as I want. I make my own schedule.
Question 2 of 6.
I plan to travel with:
1. Friends.
2. Several families.
3. My family.
4. My spouse.
5. Myself.
6. Extended family.
Question 3 of 6.
Moving from place to place during vacation is:
1. Unnecessary. Everything I need should be within a few blocks.
2. Overrated – one lounge chair is all I need.
3. Fun in an RV.
4. Efficient – I like to cover lots of ground.
5. Awesome! If only I could wake up in a new country every day…
6. Amazing – the beauty is in the journey.
Question 4 of 6.
As I’m falling asleep, I want to hear:
1. Birds, crickets and the sound of leaves rustling.
2. Ocean breezes and crashing waves.
3. People speaking a foreign language outside my open window.
4. White noise
5. Waves washing onto sand.
6. Air conditioning and the crackling of crisp white linens.
Question 5 of 6.
When I’m vacationing, I want to:
1. See how many books I can read.
2. Learn about other cultures.
3. See everything in the guidebook.
4. Hike until I drop.
5. Eat great food, see great shows, repeat.
6. Sit in one place and watch the world pass by.
Question 6 of 6.
My travel budget is:
1. I’ve been saving for a special getaway.
2. I want a fixed price to see a lot of stuff.
3. What budget? This trip better be pretty close to free.
4. Flexible. Depends what I do.
5. A little tight – help me out!
6. Sizable. Show me the goods.