We have seen the headlines, scrolled through the social media posts, and discussed it with our friends and family. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has dominated much of our collective attention for the past week, and many of us are feeling helpless. It’s not that we don’t want to help, we just don’t know-how. How can we, moms living in the United States, make a difference and offer relief to people suffering a continent away? And how do we talk to our kids in a meaningful way about what is happening on the other side of the world?
We may not be able to board a plane and physically stand and fight for the Ukrainian people, but there are things that we can do to make a difference. We can donate dollars to vetted organizations that are making a tangible difference on the ground. We can support local Ukrainian businesses in our own cities. We can pray. And we can raise empathetic, well-informed children who will carry on that legacy so that in the years to come, global peace will be more possible than it is today.
CMC Resources
City Mom Collective’s sister sites have provided a wealth of resources for moms who want to do something to help but don’t know where to start.
We are Not Helpless: Ideas for Action in Response to the Ukraine Crisis
Ukraine Crisis Help :: What You Can Do When You Feel Helpless
Where to Donate
It may seem simple, but donating money is one of the most effective ways we can help people in times of crisis. It is important when choosing an organization to donate to that you be sure that it is vetted and verified to be doing good work with the money it receives. Charity Navigator is a great site to check on any charity or organization to which you are considering making a donation.
If you are wanting to give money to help the people in crisis in Ukraine, here are some organizations you can feel confident that your money will go to the people who need it most.
- If you follow @sharonsaysso on Instagram, you know she has collected tens of thousands of dollars to send to World Central Kitchen and CARE. World Central Kitchen is serving thousands of fresh meals to Ukrainians fleeing their homes, and CARE is providing food, water and hygiene kits to refugees. You can send money to Sharon (check her profile for information) who is distributing the funds or give directly to either or both of these organizations.
- UNICEF is working with partners to provide humanitarian supplies and essential services to families in Ukraine.
- Together Rising is providing medical supplies, hot meals, medical and psychological support to Ukrainians as well as helping with resettlement efforts for refugees. Founder Glennon Doyle is sending frequent updates of their efforts to her community on Instagram.
- Doctors Without Borders is providing humanitarian medical care and medical supplies to those Ukrainians who need them.
- The UN Refugee Agency is working on long-term solutions for people displaced by the war.
- Heart to Heart International is delivering medical supplies and hygiene kits, and they are preparing to send an Advance Response Team to the region to assess further needs.
- Water Mission is providing clean water, sanitation and hygiene needs to those who need it in Ukraine.
- Global Empowerment Mission is using donations to buy plane and train tickets to Ukrainians who have family in Europe.
- Save the Children has a Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund that will give immediate aid to families and children with cash, food, hygiene, and psychosocial support.
Learn More About Ukraine
The more we understand about people in crisis, the better equipped we are to help them. This doesn’t mean we stay glued to our televisions or social media feeds at all times. But, both we and our children can learn from resources like books and films.
- The Guardian has a list of 20 films to help you understand what is happening in Ukraine.
- NPR did a story on reading recommendations on the Russia/Ukraine conflict.
- Kids Travel Books has a list of children’s books set in Ukraine.
However, you choose to respond to the crisis in Ukraine, know you can make a difference, no matter how small it may seem. We are at a pivotal point in history, and when people work together for good, real change and relief will happen.