Meet Sara, Our Iowa City Moms Blog Owner
Kids :: Sam (9), Cooper (7), Nora (5) and Adam (2)
Day In 5 Words :: Crazy. Family. Work. Chaos. Happy.
Major Life Influence :: My mom and my husband. Without them, there’s no way that I would be where I am. They have supported every move I’ve made, and because of their help and support, I was able to quit my jobs and work from home to be with all of my little ones.
Go-To Mom Hack :: Trash can in my mini-van. We basically LIVE in our minivan, and with four kids the trash adds up so fast. I got a plastic bucket at the Dollar Tree, and the kids now have a place to throw those wrappers, papers, French fries, or whatever they might have in that back seat. (side note: it also works great for those of us who have passed along the carsick gene…need I say more?)
Biggest Guilty Pleasure :: Netflix and Facebook. Sometimes at the same time.
Favorite Vacation Spot :: For the family, we love the Wisconsin Dells (in particular, the Wilderness Resort…everything is in ONE place, which is so important when you have a bunch of kids). For just the adults, I’d take any warm beach. Seriously, any of them.
The most rewarding thing about being part of City Moms Blog Network…
For me the most rewarding part of CMBN is the women I have met along the way. From other site owners, to my own contributors and team, and to the moms who attend our events. Our mission has always been to connect moms, and when I hear another mom say “I feel the SAME WAY!”, it just reminds me what we are here for, and that is for all of us to feel less alone.
What Every Mom Should Know About Iowa City
Iowa City is Hawkeye country. Everywhere you look, you WILL see black and gold. Give us a few days, and we will have you singing the fight song without missing a beat.
“Iowa nice” is a real thing, and Iowa City is no exception.
Iowa City is passionate about art, culture, and diversity. We have a beautiful combination of big-city experiences with a small-town feel.
Our children’s hospital, The University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital, has gained national attention this year with the now-famous “Wave” to the pediatric patients during home football games.
Iowa City is one of seven cities designated as a world City of Literature by UNESCO, likely inspired by the city’s own Iowa Writers’ Workshop, which offers a world-renowned MFA program that has produced 13 Pulitzer Prize Winners. Graduates include John Irving, Flannery O’Connor, and T.C. Boyle.