Tag: back to school

9 Meal Prep Breakfast Ideas to Start the School Year Strong

The elders in your life may not be right about everything but they’re right about one thing (now consistently backed up by research): Breakfast...

A Plan For the After-School Blues

The school bus rounds the corner. Your car inches forward in the pick-up line. The clock ticks toward the time of day when parents...

Simple Ways to Cultivate Kindness in Schools

Kindness. How can we raise the next generation to care about it? Perhaps it starts at home. But imagine the impact if it continued at...

Back-to-School Printables for Parents and Kids {VIA ETSY INSTANT DOWNLOAD}

We're getting back-to-school ready and are sharing some of our favorite kid-friendly tools that make getting into the swing of a new school year...

Four Things To Do Before Summer Break Is Over

"Are you counting down the days until summer is over? We may be ready for our kids to get back to school and a regular routine to begin again, but before the days get shorter, take some time to slow down, celebrate summer and make memories."

Ultimate Back to School Guide: Supplies

The smell of sharpened pencils, a new box of crayons - it's that time of year again; back-to-school season is here! Shopping for school...

Ultimate Back to School Guide: Activities

Summer is winding down, and families are about to enter Back to School season full force! And while kids may lament the end of...

Affordable Backup Glasses for Kids

Kids’ eyes can change quickly. Each year, our son goes to the ophthalmologist. Each year, his prescription changes. Significantly. And each year, I ask how...

Back to School Tips from Moms :: Just Add Sprinkles –...

We asked moms around the country to share their back-to-school tips for all ages and stages. From Kindergarten to High School this episode is packed with the practical advice and information you need.

Collectively Curated: Back to School

Who’s ready for for their kids to head back to school?!? It’s a bittersweet time. We love summer and try to eke maximum fun and...