Tag: giving back
10 Alternatives to Black Friday Shopping
The day after Thanksgiving is a great day to kick off the holiday season! For many, that means waking up at the crack of dawn to fight crowds at the mall to get started on your holiday shopping and score fantastic deals. If braving huge crowds and long lines isn’t your thing, here is a list of some other fun things you could be doing on that day!
This Is What I’m Going To Do Today
Hi. I'm Steph - a kid-raising, lullaby-singing, tear-wiping and heart-holding mom of 3 little girls.
I'm also a mom who is confident that I can change the world. Some might call it a huge cause to embrace, especially given my season of life and the current state of world affairs, but I'm seeing it happen right before my eyes and I'm confident that changing the world isn't just a personal mission of mine but a cause that every mom can (and should) support.
Moms Just Like Us
Early Sunday morning, the three of us boarded a plane bound for Guatemala City. There we would meet the team from FH and travel to Huehuetenego to visit the communities of Lopez, Luminoche, and Ical, a village that City Moms Blog Network would be partnering with to support and sponsor children.