Tag: mom life
A Mothering Mulligan?
Without warning, I felt the overwhelming need for a parenting mulligan - you know, a do-over, a fresh start, a second chance. Suddenly I questioned every single parenting decision that I've ever made. Normal, right?
An Open Letter to My Second, Unborn Child
You might not be my first, but I promise I’ll love you just as much as I love your brother, and that I’ll feel exactly the same way I did when he was born: wondering how terribly boring and meaningless our lives must’ve been without you in it.
My Life is a Country Song
They always say that country songs describe life in their lyrics. Well, I’m finding that to be true more and more each and every day.
Motherhood: A Life of Contradictions
"Are they having fun? Do they miss me? Why do I spend my precious time to myself thinking about the kids I was trying to get away from?!"
Teacher Mom
"Being a mother and a teacher is both demanding and rewarding. Like parenting, there are days where you feel like you have conquered the world. And then there are days where you find yourself questioning everything."
School of Generalizations: The A-Z of Being a Millennial Mom
"In the end - just because we're moms of a similar age doesn't mean we have anything in common. Except this: a fierce love for our kids and a desire to create a wonderful world for our family."
Northern Moms vs Southern Moms :: What Winter Really Looks Like
Motherhood, the tie that binds together women all over the world… until winter strikes the United States.
5 Facts About C-Sections From A Mom In The Trenches
It's hard to look down at the huge incision that was made to birth your baby, and know that it's a permanent battle scar. Take heart mama, you are not alone. Treat it like a trophy, and embrace it!
The Moment I Stopped Being a People Pleaser
I’ll just get it out of the way and say it up front: I was hugely unpopular as a kid. I was the nerd, the kid that got bullied, all of it. For that reason, and also for the fact that I’m just a nice person who believes in being nice to other people, I was determined not to have adulthood turn out like that for me.