Tag: motherhood

Maintaining a Peaceful Spiritual Life in the Chaos of Motherhood

I learned very early on, however, that my spiritual life would never look the same once I had kids.

Giving Up the Perfect Balance of Work and Mom

I thought it'd be perfect. Two days of stay at home mom life, three days in the office. I got the best of both worlds - quality time with my boys and an escape to adult world with real conversations and hot coffee. My resume didn't have gaps, and I was still developing skills in my field.

Treating Your Body As A Site of Miracles

From the squishy bellies to the varicose veins, our mom bodies get a bad rap. Our bodies get peed on, yelled at, woken up, and taken for granted on a daily basis. Yes, certainly by our children, but mostly by ourselves. Can I get an AMEN?

Lessons from the Carseat… Life is Full of Red Lights

"No one’s struggles are the same, but the point is that that EVERYONE goes through hardship, ranging from 'light and momentary' to earth shattering. And more than often, the timing seems horrible. The best thing we can do for each other during tough times is offer our support, encouragement, and comfort."

A Guide To Having A New Baby

A new baby? What could be better?! Whether you brought them into the world, fostered them, or welcomed them into your hearts and home through the miracle of adoption, a new baby is one of the most life-changing things anyone could ever experience.

Rewriting Your Path To Motherhood

"Make your story your own and tell it in your own voice, as it has and will define the most important role you could ever play - mom."

A Guide To Pregnancy

City Moms Blog Network along with our sister sites across the country share stories of pregnancy. Whether it's your first pregnancy or your last, becoming a mom is worthy of celebrating. Hear stories from soon-to-be moms!

What a Mom of 3 Really Wants For Mother’s Day

Hear from a mom of three what moms really want for Mother's Day! Believe it or not the ideas for moms in your life are very simple!

One Dream: Motherhood; One Obstacle: Infertility

Not every woman who struggles with infertility is as lucky as I am. Wherever you are in your motherhood story, someone may understand your journey. And others may not. Be gentle with all of the women.

Stories of Infertility

Our hope is that these words help you, comfort you, and break through that isolation to remind you that you have a community of mom-friends who have been there, who have suffered through those unending negative pregnancy tests, and who have made it to the other side, in one way or another.