Tag: parenting

Your Kids Can Pack Their Own Lunch {Printable}

As last years’ school year was ending, all three of my children proclaimed that they would NOT be buying hot lunch the following year. Each wanted to bring lunch from home for the whole year. Yikes.

Back-to-School Promises for Mom’s Sanity

This is my first year with three kids in some kind of school. Sure, one of them is in a baby school, but if you have a school supply list, back-to-school night and folder for artwork, it counts. Back to school this year brings us much-needed routine, but also fear for the logistics of solo parenting when my husband is out of town. Three drop-off times, three backpacks, three lunches on not enough coffee.

{Spreading Mama Love} Why I Won’t Put Myself In Your Shoes

Yes, you - precious mom friend trying to hold it together today. Yes, you - my other dear pal trying to balance life without kiddos. You both are so special to me. We all have so much in common, and yet so much not in common. No worries, my lovelies, I will not pretend to know what it is like to be you, I will not pretend that I know what it’s like to be in your shoes. For the sake of our autonomy as women, I cannot. I will not.

Dr. Smith’s Your Go-To Parenting Resource For Diaper Rash {Sponsored Post...

Can you recall a moment in your parenthood journey where you were completely clueless on what to do next? Let's be real here. We all have....

Personalized Stories For Children AND Parents :: Stepping Stories Review

With my first born, our bedtime routine was sacred. Nothing interfered with our three Bs (bath, books and bed)... And I mean nothing! For...