Maybe it’s just because we are in the mom-business, but we often wonder if we are saying some of our favorite brand partners correctly!
It’s funny how having a baby not only ushers in a whole new set of skills to be learned, but it can also feel like you are learning a foreign language. “Braxton-Hicks,” “kegels,” “rear-facing,” “fontenelle” – the list of new vocabulary words seems endless! Along with this list of technical terms comes a whole new set of products and companies that new moms learn, yet upon first glance, it’s hard to tell if you are pronouncing them the right way or not.
How do you say NUK...
Pronunciation: nook

How do you say UPPABaby...
Pronunciation: UP-pa-b-ai-b-ee

How do you say Aden and Anais...
Pronunciation: AY-DEN and ae-n-ah-EE-S

How do you say Stokke...
Pronunciation: s-t-OH-k-ee

How do you say Bebe au Lait...
Pronunciation: b-ee-b-ee ow lay

How do you say Nuby...
Pronunciation: new-bee

How do you say Beaba...
Pronunciation: Bae-ABA

How do you say Britax...
Pronunciation: bri-TAX

How do you say BabyBjorn...
Pronunciation: b-ai-b-ee-B-Y-ER-N

How do you say OXO Tot...
Pronunciation: OX-oh

How do you say Medela...
Pronunciation: Meh-dee-la